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Blog 210

Incorporating elements of online teaching within a "flipped classroom" format

By Matthew Leisinger

Matthew Leisinger created this video as a summative project towards completing the Certificate of Proficiency in Teaching for eLearning offered through the Teaching Commons. Matthew began teaching at York in Fall 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, much of Matthew's teaching at York as taken place online. In the video, Matthew discusses the challenges of returning to—or, in their case, beginning—in-person teaching and explains how they are now trying to incorporate elements of online teaching within a "flipped classroom" format.

About the creator

Matthew Leisinger is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies. Matthew regularly teaches courses on early modern European philosophy as well as on the metaphysics and psychology of free will. Matthew's recent paper, "Cudworthian Consciousness" (forthcoming, Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy), was awarded the Marc Sanders Prize in Early Modern Philosophy. You can find more about Matthew's research at