Flipped Learning: Assessment Strategies
With Dr. Robert McKeown (Assistant Professor, Department of Economics).
In this instalment of the Flipped Classroom Playground Summer Series we will model the use of collaborative annotation to generate and structure discussion in a flipped class while exploring approaches to assessment in the flipped environment. Participants will experience flipped learning strategies from the learner perspective and consider how it might apply in their own teaching contexts.
Please follow the link to register: REGISTRATION
About the Flipped Classroom Playground Summer Series:
Flipped learning is a pedagogical strategy that moves direct instruction away from group learning spaces and into individual learning spaces, transforming the group space into a highly interactive learning environment that prioritises guided application of course concepts and creative engagement in the subject matter. This 5-part summer workshop series combines flipped classroom strategies, reflective discussion about a range of related pedagogical topics, and time for collaborative conversations about how best to apply a flipped classroom approach in your teaching context. Whether you teach face-to-face, online, or blended courses, large first-year surveys or small graduate seminars, in lectures, labs, studios or tutorials, we will learn about best practices in flipping learning, explore how a flipped classroom approach can work for you and your students, and discuss potential challenges.
Join us for a single session or take all 5! Completion of all 5 workshops can be counted as the equivalent of one course towards the Certificate of Proficiency in Teaching for eLearning. TAs can also count individual workshops towards the Record of Completion Certificates. Email Robin Sutherland-Harris (robinsh@yorku.ca) or Natasha May (maynat@yorku.ca)