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Blog 252

Blog 252

What do we mean by inclusivity? By Valérie Florentin and Lianne Fisher Valérie: After a few years spent teaching online, I felt the need to get some more education about new trends, so I took several workshops at the Teaching Commons and attended a few other pedagogy related activities outside of York. Because I’m largely […]

Blog 251

Blog 251

Redesigning with intention: Graduate student and teaching assistant programming at the Teaching Commons (Blog 2 of 5) This is the second in a series of blog posts. Read all blogs in the series! Download a copy of the video transcript (.txt) A visualization of the Record of Completion certificates for graduate students and teaching assistants […]

Blog 249

Blog 249

Redesigning with intention: Graduate student and teaching assistant programming at the Teaching Commons (blog 1 of 5) Download a copy of the video transcript (.txt) Access a larger copy of this image and download a PDF description of the image or download a Word Docx. description of the image “Where we might first expect to […]

Blog 237

Blog 237

Exploring Your Burning Teaching and Learning Questions By Tanveer Bhimani, Anne MacLennan, Celia Popovic, Michelle Sengara At our 2023 Teaching in Focus (TiF) conference, the closing plenary explored a series of burning teaching and learning questions submitted by our participants. Read on to learn more about discussions of assessment, artificial intelligence, student engagement, and supporting […]

Blog 236

Blog 236

TiF Reads: Three Books to Inspire Congratulations to Nidhi Sachdeva and her pick, How Learning Happens, which emerged the victor after our three contenders went head-to-head at TiF Reads during this year's Teaching in Focus Conference! In this blog post, we introduce you to three great books about teaching and learning, and the three York […]

Blog 235

Blog 235

Reading for Teaching: A Year with Joshua Elyer’s How Human Learn: The Science and Stories Behind Effective College Teaching By Scott McLaren and Lisa Endersby Have you ever experienced a singular moment in the classroom that suddenly opened a new perspective on your teaching practice? Or one that revealed to you, in a new way, […]

Blog 234

Blog 234

Showcasing Experiential Education & Work Integrated Learning at York: Discussing the 2023 EE Symposium & Faculty Celebration events The EE Symposium and EE Faculty Celebration are pan-university events showcasing the impactful work of students and faculty engaged in a variety of EE/WIL opportunities across campus, made possible in part by generous co-sponsorship and support from […]

Blog 233

Blog 233

Meet the TC Team: Welcome Shani Kipang! The Teaching Commons is excited to welcome and work with Dr. Shani Kipang, who will be joining the team on a 12 month engagement through March 2024. During this time Shani will collaborate and spearhead strategic initiatives to support DEDI (decolonization, equity, diversity and inclusion) centred practices in […]

Blog 232

Blog 232

Intentionally Including Student Perspectives in Teaching and Learning During the 2022-23 Academic year, the Teaching Commons hosted a group of students completing a practicum placement as part of a fourth year educational studies course. They spent their time together developing the content and interface of an interactive book about equity, decolonization, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility […]

Blog 230

Blog 230

Fostering a Culture of Care During (and After) Ramadan By Ameera Ali Another year, another Ramadan! It is that time once again where Muslims across the world embrace a journey of daily fasting from dawn to dusk, for approximately one month. This year, Ramadan occurs from March 23 until April 20 (the precise end date […]