On this page you will find Teaching Commons programming, events, resources and supports specifically related to DEDI. Questions about the DEDI section of our website can be directed to Ameera Ali (aliamira@yorku.ca).
DEDI at the Teaching Commons (Our Statement of Practice)
At the Teaching Commons, we provide leadership in the pursuit of engaged teaching practices centred on the student learning experience. We create and support equitable spaces for faculty engagement for all who teach at York. We recognise the urgency of taking a direct approach to ensuring that we remain committed to, and transparent about, Decolonization, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion (DEDI)-informed practice within our work. We understand that this work is iterative and ongoing; therefore, our offerings are continuously evolving to reflect contextual best practices, emerging expertise, and new scholarly literature pertaining to equity-informed pedagogy. As we continue to do this challenging work, the way we engage and respond will change, evolve, and adapt.
We also take a distributed approach to DEDI-related work across our team and across our offerings. Principles of equity and inclusion are embedded throughout our consultations, workshops, courses, events, and resources. We aim to support these values by building connections across the diverse York community and beyond, inviting perspectives of experts and leaders in this field.
If you have an accessibility or accommodation need regarding engaging with us in any way, please let us know by emailing teaching@yorku.ca or when communicating with any of our staff. Should you have any DEDI-related questions or concerns respecting any of our programming, offerings, or resources, you can let us know via email or through our Teaching Commons Suggestion Box.
York DEDI Strategy
York's DEDI strategy has been developed by the division of Equity, People, and Culture as well as the President's Advisory Council on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. It underscores the university's commitment to DEDI and consists of several interdependent dimensions. In the Teaching Commons, we aim to contribute to the mission of York's DEDI Strategy through our approaches in supporting DEDI.

Communities of Practice

DEDI in Teaching and Learning Community of Practice
The Teaching Commons' DEDI community of practice is a space where those who teach at York come together to learn, share, and question a wide array of topics related to DEDI in teaching and learning.

Glendon DEDI in Teaching and Learning Community of Practice
The Glendon DEDI community of practice is a space where Glendon faculty and teaching assistants come together to learn and share about DEDI-oriented teaching and learning at Glendon campus.
DEDI-Related Offerings
Below is a list of our internal programming that is explicitly related to DEDI. These sessions and events are offered at various times throughout the academic year. Offering availabilities are contingent upon the capacity of our team. Please refer to our calendar of events for specific dates and times of all of our sessions and to explore everything that is currently on offer. If you are interested in a listed offering that is not currently on offer, please complete our course registration of interest form (for courses) or our workshop registration of interest form (for workshops).
DEDI-Related Resources
Below is a list of our internal resources explicitly related to DEDI. Please visit our main page for our additional pedagogical resources.
Accessibility in teaching and learning
Culturally sustaining pedagogies
Decolonization in teaching and learning
Diversity in teaching and learning
Equity in teaching and learning
Facilitating dialogue and challenging conversations in the classroom
Guidelines to Support Accountable Spaces (Sample)
Inclusion in teaching and learning
Mental health in the classroom
Student perspectives on EDDIA and UDL
Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
DEDI-Related Certificates
Currently under development.
Other Relevant Offices/Supports at York
Centre for Human Rights, Equity, and Inclusion (CHREI)
Division of Equity, People, Culture
Student Accessibility Services
The Centre for Sexual Violence Response, Support & Education