Navigating the campus: disability services, accessibility, and finding ways to thrive on campus - Nov. 15, 2023
This is a workshop for disabled students at both undergraduate and graduate levels. We are two PhD students at York with different disabilities and lived experiences with campus life. We welcome students who may be struggling, may be looking into a diagnosis, or are unsure how to navigate student accessibility services. By disabled, we mean people who are or have (but not limited to): visual and hearing impairments, wheelchair users, neurodiversities including ADHD, autistic, mental health, and learning disabilities, pain and body conditions, recurring and episodic needs, or whatever label you use to describe yourself. The aim is not to attribute a disability label to anyone or exclude people for not being “disabled enough”, we are here to pass on useful information.
Everyone has different needs and we strive to discuss many needs and leave space for people to add their own experiences to the conversation. During this session, we will define disability, introduce the principles of disability justice, and give an overview and applications of resources from York and from communities. Our goal is to introduce some skills and cultivating capacity to create collective access and care in the face of structural ableism.
“No body or mind can be left behind – only moving together can we accomplish the revolution we require.” Patty Berne, Co-Founder, Executive and Artistic Director of Sins Invalid, a disabled artist collective that centralizes artists of colour and LGBTQ/gender-variant artists.
The session will take place on Wed. Nov. 15, 12:30-2pm via Zoom
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