The Teaching Commons has curated several helpful resources for exploring eLearning and flexible teaching alongside other strategies for innovative, accessible, and diverse course design & delivery.

NEW! - resources on ungrading and alternative assessment!
We have created a wealth of resources to support assessment, both in face-to-face and remote/online courses.

Active learning strategies
Teaching Commons' ongoing series of teaching aids offering brief, ready-to-use four-pagers on leading pedagogical strategies in face-to-face classroom teaching. We are continuously adding new entries every month; download them all and come back for more!

Food for thought
A brand-new series from Teaching Commons that explores complex, emerging, and innovative theories and concepts in pedagogy through simple, easy-to-understand, and judiciously short three-pager handouts.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in teaching and learning
A collection of introductory and other multi-modal resources about AI in teaching and learning in higher education.
Resources for flexible and online teaching

Hyflex & flexible teaching
Whether you teach face-to-face, remotely, blended or fully online, flexible learning and teaching can apply to you.

Globally Networked Learning (GNL) at York
Globally Networked Learning (GNL) is an approach to teaching, learning, and research that offers unique opportunities for virtual intercultural communication and collaboration.

Teaching remotely guide
This comprehensive guide provides guiding principles, tips, and additional resources for adapting & creating online or remote courses.

Doing digital humanities and social sciences in your classroom
Samantha Cutrara (Office of the Vice Provost Academic) created an instructor’s guide for integrating digital humanities and social sciences into your course design. The guide includes sections on theory, practice, and assignment guides.

Guiding principles for choosing courses that could be taught online post-pandemic
Are you considering a change to your course delivery, or reviewing course delivery at your program level? This guide can help you with pedagogical and practical considerations.
Additional teaching and learning resources

The Indigenous framework for York University: A guide to action
This framework addresses the call for a pan-University Indigenous strategy. More information can be found at the Centre for Indigenous Student Services and in this story about Skennen’kó:wa Gamig, the House of Great Peace.

Check out the PATHS toolbox, SDGs-in-the-Classroom toolkit, FYE toolkit, the SmART toolbox, online resources from our Learning Commons partners, and a student-created resource on EDDIA & UDL.

Facilitating dialogue and challenging conversations in the classroom
This toolkit is offered as a starting point for faculty and TAs seeking strategies, resources, or support to thoughtfully facilitate difficult conversations and moments in the classroom.

Motivational syllabus
What is a motivational syllabus? How does someone go about creating one? How does a motivational syllabus influence other components of your course? Check out our rich collection of resources compiled for our Motivational Syllabus workshop!

Course director handbook
This guide is designed to provide you the general information you may need as a Course Director at York.

Teaching documentation guide
This guide offers suggestions and examples for collecting evidence of your teaching achievements. It also includes opportunities for faculty self-reflection and self-assessment.
Reflecting on Your Practice
Resources for educational developers

Developing the developer
The EDC grant funded resource offers a one-year professional development plan for new educational developers, and includes a comprehensive literature review.

Educational developers thinking allowed
Learn more about educational development in this comprehensive resource co-developed by Dr. Celia Popovic, Associate Professor, York University and former director of the Teaching Commons