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Workshops for the Record of Completion Certificates

A list of workshops that can count toward the Record of Completion Certificates.

Learn How to "DO" a Teaching Dossier - April 11

Learn How to "DO" a Teaching Dossier - April 11

The teaching dossier or teaching portfolio is a condensed reflection of your teaching philosophy and accomplishments. It essentially serves as a tool that will provide evidence of your teaching quality and effectiveness. This session is intended to provide you with the basics of creating and assembling your own teaching dossier as well as an opportunity […]

Integrating Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility when Teaching Lab Courses - Mar. 8

Integrating Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility when Teaching Lab Courses - Mar. 8

Have you ever been in a teaching situation where you felt unprepared to support a student with accommodations, or had to diffuse an argument on a sensitive cultural subject between students, or just felt like there was more you could do to ensure your teaching is inclusive? This virtual workshop was designed as a primer […]

Defence of the Dark Art: The Practice of 'Critical' Reading - Mar. 6

Defence of the Dark Art: The Practice of 'Critical' Reading - Mar. 6

This workshop is designed for the benefit of teaching assistants in the Liberal Arts, to develop skills and practices that can invite undergraduate students into, and cultivate a culture of, active reading and classroom discussions. By engaging with 'Critical' Reading in this deliberate way, via this particular '5-question' method, the intention of the workshop is […]

Creating Equitable and Inclusive Classrooms: Addressing Unconscious Bias (IN-PERSON) - Feb. 17

Creating Equitable and Inclusive Classrooms: Addressing Unconscious Bias (IN-PERSON) - Feb. 17

This workshop aims to bring awareness to the impact of unconscious bias in educational settings and to provide practical solutions for teaching assistants and future faculty to create equitable and inclusive classrooms. Unconscious bias, also known as implicit bias, is a phenomenon where individuals hold biases and stereotypes about certain groups of people without being […]

Science Communication Workshop: Making your teaching more accessible and relevant for diverse, non-expert audiences (IN-PERSON) - Feb. 15

Science Communication Workshop: Making your teaching more accessible and relevant for diverse, non-expert audiences (IN-PERSON) - Feb. 15

Do you want to learn how to better inform, educate, and/or engage with non-expert audiences such as your students? In this 1-hour, face-to-face workshop, we will build on our understanding of science-related experiences, knowledge, and attitudes while building practical science communication skills through hands-on activities: Message Box Elevator Pitch Storytelling / 3-Minute Thesis (3MT) Science […]

Classroom Strategies for When They Haven't Done the Readings - Feb. 1

Classroom Strategies for When They Haven't Done the Readings - Feb. 1

All prepared with activities for the interactive session you expect with students but find yourself engaged in a monologue with blank, vacant stares and silence from students who have not done the assigned readings? What to do? In this interactive webinar you will engage in small group activities and large group discussions to come up […]

Strategies for Meaningful Feedback on Student Reflection Winter 2023 (IN PERSON)

Strategies for Meaningful Feedback on Student Reflection Winter 2023 (IN PERSON)

Experiential education can be a transformative learning experience for many students. However, “just thinking or having an experience do not necessarily result in learning, but rather critical thinking and reflection support and facilitate the learning process.” (Whalen & Paez, 2019, p.56) Critical reflection can help students “integrate new understanding into [their] experiences in order to […]

Strategies for Meaningful Feedback on Student Reflection Winter 2023 (ONLINE)

Strategies for Meaningful Feedback on Student Reflection Winter 2023 (ONLINE)

Experiential education can be a transformative learning experience for many students. However, “just thinking or having an experience do not necessarily result in learning, but rather critical thinking and reflection support and facilitate the learning process.” (Whalen & Paez, 2019, p.56) Critical reflection can help students “integrate new understanding into [their] experiences in order to […]

Critical Reflection as a Learned/Learning Activity - Winter 2023 (IN PERSON)

Critical Reflection as a Learned/Learning Activity - Winter 2023 (IN PERSON)

Students engaged in experiential education activities often benefit from opportunities for critical reflection. These reflection activities can encourage students to make meaningful connections between experiences and course material, while also developing skills in critical thinking, communicating new insights, and using new ideas to inform future actions. In this workshop, we will engage in discussions and […]

Critical Reflection as a Learned/Learning Activity - Winter 2023 (ONLINE)

Critical Reflection as a Learned/Learning Activity - Winter 2023 (ONLINE)

Students engaged in experiential education activities often benefit from opportunities for critical reflection. These reflection activities can encourage students to make meaningful connections between experiences and course material, while also developing skills in critical thinking, communicating new insights, and using new ideas to inform future actions. In this workshop, we will engage in discussions and […]