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TechLibrary - Laptop Lending Policy

Service Note: The laptop lending program has ended and laptops are being returned. Please note that the information below has been modified (the strikethrough text below is no longer valid). 


The patron agrees to assume all legal liability for the cost of repair or replacement in the event of loss due to theft, damage, negligence or misuse. University Information Technology (UIT) will not assume responsibility for lost files due to viruses, hardware failure and network interruptions. Any file(s) copied or downloaded will be automatically removed and cannot be recovered after reboot/restart. Please see more information here.


All York University students, faculty and staff with a valid York University Library card may borrow a laptop. Patrons must be in good standing with the Library – users must have no outstanding fines or liabilities over $20. The tech library requires this information to help prevent laptop theft.


Each patron will be permitted to borrow one laptop at a time.


Loaner laptops are no longer available. They were made available at the start of the pandemic due to the University being in lock down. The University has since been made open again and loaner laptops are no longer available. Campus computer labs, Library computers, and other facilities are now open on campus for the community to use. Anyone in good standing (valid status, and no fines) that still has a working loaner laptop can continue with the loaner laptop that is already out on loan until further notice. Please see more information here.

Laptop Agreement Form

When first‐time users sign out a laptop, they will be required to read and sign a “York University TechLibrary Laptop Agreement form.” The form will be kept on file for future reference as required.


Laptops may be borrowed for up to six hours at a time. At the end of the loan period, the patron must bring the laptop back to the UIT Service Desk in person. Patrons will be permitted to re‐check out the same laptop (a maximum of one time) if there are no other patrons waiting for a laptop.

Advance Booking

Holds or advance bookings are not available


Overdue fines of $10 per hour (up to a maximum of $500) will start to accrue at the due time. Fines for the full hour will apply even if the laptop is less than an hour late and borrowing privileges will be suspended. Please see more information here.

Replacement and Damage Fines

The patron assumes full financial responsibility.

Lost Laptops: Borrowing privileges will be suspended and a replacement charge of $1,200 will be levied.

Damaged Laptops: borrowing privileges will be suspended and a repair fee will be levied. Any laptop equipment malfunctions should be reported immediately to UIT Service Desk staff. Please see more information here.


Laptops must be returned in‐person at the UIT Service Desk (136 Campus Walk). Patrons will be required to wait a couple of minutes while staff check that the laptop and accessories have been returned in working order. Please see more information here.