The government of Canada will present their second Voluntary National Review on their progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals at the United Nations High-Level Political Forum in New York on 19 July 2023. Charles Hopkins and Katrin Kohl will represent York University as members of the Canadian Delegation.
Our UNESCO Chair #IndigenousESD research network as mentioned in the report as a higher education research activity to enhance Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) as a key enabler of all of the SDGs.
York University's strategic efforts on commitment to elevate action for the SDGs through the University Academic Plan 2020-2025 and other strategic documents, such as the Framework on Black Inclusion, the Indigenous Framework for York University and the new Decolonization, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2022-2027 are listed as relevant higher education efforts in the report.
Read the full Canadian 2023 Voluntary National Review and learn more about the United Nations High-Level Political Forum in New York.