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SDG 4 Quality Education

York University and partners are looking for contributors for the Sustainable on the Go Conference 2022

York University and partners are looking for contributors, such as moderators, speakers, rapporteurs, artists, and volunteers, to contribute and to support the Sustainable on the Go 2022. The conference will be co-organized by York International, the UNESCO Chair in Reorienting Education towards Sustainability, McLaughlin College, with their strategic partners International Association of Universities, Canadian Commission for UNESCO, and Okayama University, in November 2022, the fourth UN […]

Charles Hopkins 1 out of 5 Honourees for 2022: Canada’s Top Sustainability Award releases lists of Lifetime Achievement Awards for 2022

Today, Charles Hopkins was officially inducted into the ‘Hall of Fame’ of Sustainability Leaders in Canada. As one out of five award winners of the 2022 Lifetime Achievement Award, he received the highest honour from Canada’s Clean50, established by Canada´s leading sustainability and clean tech search firm Delta Management Group.The Clean50 Individual award winners are […]