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The Government of Canada Invests in Research Project to Improve Education Outcomes for Indigenous Youth across Canada and Around the World

Today, MP Marc Serré, on behalf of the Honourable Jane Philpott, Minister of Indigenous Services announced funding of CAD 250,000 for the City of Greater Sudbury’s research project “Strengthening Education and Improving Academic Success” which will be led by Laurentian University in the region and is part of our #IndigenousESD global research in 43 countries.


#IndigenousESD in the Philippines

“Reorienting Education and Training Systems to Improve the Lives of Indigenous Youth” (2017-2020) is a major global research project of the UNESCO Chair within the context of Sustainable Development Goal 4. Spanning approximately 40 countries, this project aims to improve the lives of Indigenous youth, in or from traditional communities by enhancing the quality of […]

“One Belt, One Road”: Learning towards the Future of ESD

From December 11 to December 14, 2017, the Asia-Pacific Institute (API) of the Chinese National Working Committee on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) held their 5th annual Asia-Pacific Expert Meeting on ESD. Together with the ESD experts from Canada, China, Germany, Ireland, Papua New Guinea, and United States, the API Director, Dr. Shi Gendong, conducted […]

UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme marks its 25th anniversary at General Conference

UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme marks its 25th anniversary at General Conference event © UNESCO/Inga Nichanian 03 November 2017 The University Twinning and Networking (UNITWIN)/UNESCO Chairs Programme held an event on 31 October 2017 to look back at over 25 years of action and project the contribution of UNESCO Chairs and UNITWIN Networks to the 2030 Agenda […]

York helps build partnerships to promote quality education for Indigenous people

The launch of the global research initiative hosted by the City of Greater Sudbury and the UNESCO Chair at York University titled ‘Reorienting Education and Training Systems to Improve the Lives of Indigenous Youth’ took place during a three-day conference at Laurentian University’s Indigenous Sharing and Learning Centre. UNESCO Chair in Reorienting Teacher Education to […]