Access to quality education is a vital principle of sustainable development.
“Ensure inclusivity and quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all” is the Global Goal 4 on Quality Education within the Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with its 17 SDGs at the core.
Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015, is the strategic plan of all member states to build a better world with no one left behind. It follows earlier global action plans of the United Nations, Agenda 21 (1992) and the Millennium Development Goals (2000).
The definition of quality education is constantly evolving and is always contextual. This discussion of quality in the context of sustainability has emerged as central to the work of the Chair.
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
ESD, in enabling sustainable development as a purpose of education, is implemented through four existing areas of intervention (UNESCO Education for Sustainable Development Sourcebook 2012).
- access to and retention in a quality basic education;
- reorienting education systems to address sustainability;
- to build public awareness and understanding of sustainable development; and
- to provide training to all in both the private and public sectors to promote sustainability at home and in the workplace.
Every aspect of education, public awareness, and training, from early childhood through higher/tertiary education to include continuing professional development and awareness campaigns contribute to this global ESD effort to create a more sustainable world.
ESD has repeatedly been recognized by the United Nations General Assembly (United Nations, UNGA 72/222 2017, 74/223 2019, 76/222 2021, 78) as a key enabler for the achievement of all of the SDG. The Global Education 2030 Agenda does not only acknowledge the need for quality education, but especially mentions the need for qualified teachers in teaching for future uncertainty.
What do we do?
Since our Chairholder Charles Hopkins has been involved in the development of ESD from its very beginnings, we promote our perspectives on positioning sustainability as a purpose of education, as intended in the early Agenda 21, to consultations and provide advice on the role of ESD within other education policy developments.