Every time, quality education or ESD is mentioned in the targets for SDG 4, it infers the necessity of e, quality education or ESD is mentioned in the targets for SDG 4, it infers the necessity of access to qualified teachers, knowledgeable and capable to deliver the appropriate program.
Unfortunately, there is a tremendous shortage of teachers capable of delivering quality education with ESD embedded in the core. Teacher education is essential to achieving at least four of the 10 targets for SDG 4.
What do we do?
We carry out research on new concepts or aspects of education quality in the framework of the SDGs, in particular SDG 4. All four Chair networks the INTEI, #IndigenousESD, IAU HESD Cluster and the UNiESD&ST contribute research, develop solutions, share best practice, and create policy recommendations to bring SDG 4 to the ground in their respective fields. ESD, often in conjunction with Global Citizenship Education (GCED) as stated in SDG 4.7, is at the heart of all of our activities.
We regularly present or (e-)speak at in-person and virtual education conferences and hold (virtual) seminars or workshops upon request. Publishing our perspectives in peer-reviewed journals and books is another of the ways we contribute to the international ESD discussion. Lastly, we offer consulting to educators and policy makers in curriculum design and restructuring education strategy for education systems or institutions to embed sustainability in whole-institution approaches.