Message from Christine Silversides, General Counsel
Welcome to the website of the Office of the General Counsel.
Our vision is to proactively further the University Academic Plan (UAP) priorities and reduce risk by providing timely, cost-effective, high quality and service-oriented legal and compliance services.
We provide the university with advice and support in five important areas.
- The Office of the Counsel handles all legal matters generated by the activities of the University and its faculties, schools, departments and administrative units. We support the University’s mission and priorities by offering legal advice and support relating to all aspects of operations.
- The Information and Privacy Office (IPO) ensures compliance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) by providing public access to university records and information and helping protect the personal privacy of the university community. In addition, the IPO provides strategic advice and guidance to faculty and staff with respect to records and information management.
- Our office is home to the University's Copyright Officer who works with colleagues across the institution to ensure compliance with copyright legislation and to provide guidance and advice on copyright issues.
- We also coordinate the Licensing Program through the University Licensing Board and administer the licensing of the name, York University, and all the names, insignias, logos, seals, crests, designs, marks or other symbols associated with York University, its Faculties and Colleges.
- Last but not least, we maintain the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) Office which oversees the University's compliance with that important legislation to ensure respect, inclusion and equality of all persons with disabilities across campus.
We encourage you to explore our websites. They contain valuable information on all of the subjects described above.