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Response from the Provost regarding academic freedom and freedom of expression

The following message was shared with members of the York community on November 23, 2023:

Dear community members, 

The University has received the statement of November 13, 2023, signed by faculty members, professors’ emeriti, and graduate students, to express concerns specifically regarding academic freedom, free speech, and freedom of expression. Thank you for taking the time to share your concerns – know that we understand that this has been an especially challenging time for many. I am writing back today to respond on behalf of the University.  

We take the matters raised in the statement seriously and want to affirm York University's resolute commitment to academic freedom – an important protection afforded to academics for their research or public statements made in the course of their scholarly work. This has been expressed clearly in a previous statement made by President Lenton, and again more recently, on November 2: “Safe and inclusive campuses for all” – YFile (

With respect to free speech and freedom of expression on our campuses, there are a few important pieces of information worth reviewing and which answer the remaining concerns that have been raised. York affirms its responsibility to uphold the various collective agreements and will continue to adhere to the below policies and regulations: 

We have received positive feedback from many community members who have noticed the impact of moving toward a more proactive and collaborative approach to Community Safety. For those who have concerns about their individual safety, the University is ready to provide support through our Community Safety team. Please contact them directly at

York continues to work tirelessly to support all community members who are struggling at this incredibly difficult and distressing time. A variety of resources are available at Well-being Resources | York University; and York’s Centre for Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion offers faculty and staff facing online harassment helpful guidance here


Lisa Philipps
Provost & Vice-President Academic    

Additional information: Supporting Scholars (infographic