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Curriculum Support and Visioning for the Future

Curriculum is a one of those concepts in academia that can mean nothing and everything all at once.

When invoked, is can be embolden with meaning far beyond its actual parameters to the point of becoming empty. It can also be invoked in ways that are so empty that the landscape of meaning becomes clearer than if it wasn’t used at all.

But curriculum is a real thing, in both its presence and its absence. And being more considerate of the whole – the ends, means, and all in between – can ensure a more thoughtful, explicit set of teaching and learning experiences for students, professors, and the research and content that is important for the program.

That is why the Office of the Vice Provost Academic has created a permanent position related to program and curriculum development and innovation: to support programs in the explicitly articulation of their curriculum, and the future of their curriculum, in ways that support students’ learning.

The way we often have approached curriculum can seem very bureaucratic or administrative and separate from the experiences professors have with their students. While ensuring quality, reporting, and governance remains key, this new position in the VPA’s office can also serve as a complement and support in the visioning, and articulation of that vision, in a program’s future for faculty and students alike.

With the development of a new (still in process) website, this blog, and the continuation of a community of practice around curriculum, we hope we to improve our programs, and our students’ experiences in these programs for years to come.