An SDGs Curricular Champion at YorkU is an instructor who is finding innovative ways to connect the SDGs to diverse interdisciplinary topics, concepts and disciplines. In championing the SDGs in their respective program, this instructor is gently leading by example while at the same time exposing their students to wicked problems and inviting global citizenship through envisioned problem solving. SDG Curricular Champions are mentors to others, offering their own experiences in their classrooms, collegially supporting instructors who wish to infuse the SDGs themselves. We are thrilled to share with you videos of a few of YorkU's Curricular Champions discussing ideas that you might just consider.
NEW! CIFAL Speaker Series: Unboxing the SDGs for People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, and Partnership
This speaker series highlighted the work being done to include the SDGs in curricula by those in the field of education. “Unboxing the SDGs”, with the aim of looking in detail at what is inside each SDG box, gathered experts to share their best practices, lessons learned, challenges faced, and opportunities that exist to further infuse the SDGs in higher education classrooms in different disciplines. The series ran from May to July 2024.
Designing for Equity and Inclusion in Education with k2i academy
Lisa Cole
Director of Programming, k2i academy, Lassonde School of Engineering, York University
Michelle Tsui-Woods
Associate Director of Operations and Development, k2i academy, Lassonde School of Engineering, York University
Framing Curriculum Through the Lens of SDGs
Christian Van Buskirk
Faculty, University of Victoria, Gustavson School of Business, Faculty Lead, Business Minor Program
Advancing SDGs through Transformative and Justice-Informed Pedagogies
Dr. Kshamta Hunter
Manager, Transformative Learning & Student Engagement, Sustainability Hub; Instructor, Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia
Connecting the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals to the STEAM Curriculum (Grades 2-13)-Fostering Purpose Based Learning for the Whole Student
Dr. Minna Allarakhia
President and Chair of the Board, BioEndeavor
Integrating SDGs into Nursing Education: Empowering Nurses as Catalysts for Change
Sandra Peniston
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health
Embedding Equity, Diversity and Social Justice into the Curriculum of a Digital Humanities Class
Dr. Carolyn Steele
Assistant Professor, Humanities
Life-centred Futures: Sustainability, Interaction, Design and AI
Dr. Shital Desai
York Research Chair; Director, Social and Technological Systems; Training Committee Vice-Lead, Connected Minds; Assistant Professor, Interaction Design, Department of Computational Arts, School of Arts, Media, Performance and Design
York University Curricular Champions
Professor, Public Policy and Sustainability, Schulich School of Business
Associate Professor, Department of French Studies, Faculty of LA&PS
Associate Professor, Department of Dance, School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design
Jose Etcheverry
Associate Professor, Department of Environmental and Urban Change
Associate Professor Department of Design School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design
Charles-Antoine Rouyer
Course Director Multidisciplinary Studies, Glendon Campus
Assistant Professor School of Nursing
Instructor English as a Second Language