
The following resources will provide instructors with materials to support, introduce and infuse the SDGs into their lessons.

  • Visit The Choices Program from Brown University, which creates educational resources and makes innovative scholarship accessible to diverse classrooms. It empowers students to understand the relationship between history and current issues while developing analytical skills to become thoughtful global citizens. The site includes free lessons.
  • Read the Law Lessons from the Justice Education Society, a British Columbia- based organization that publishes law curriculum resources for instructors.
  • View this lesson plan to introduce students to the SDGs and their socio-economic importance. It enables discussions on the efforts taken by governmental and non-governmental agencies towards achieving the goals.
  • Visit the Wakelet SDG page for lesson plans, links, videos, student challenges, activities, infographics and tasks for all of the 17 SDGs.

  • The SDG Accountability Handbook features case studies on various approaches to accountability collected from civil society organizations around the world to implement and monitor the 2030 agenda at national and local levels. People may also contribute a case study
  • The Sustainable Development Goals Fund has an online database of sustainable development case studies and a selection of effective practices on how to achieve a sustainable world and advance the 17 SDGs.
  • Advocates for International Development (A4ID) is an organization of lawyers working with the SDGs to inspire and enable lawyers to join the global fight against poverty and to ensure that legal support is available for those engaged in that fight. Read below the Legal Guides for SDGs #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #13 and #16 that show which actions lawyers can take. See the following:

SDG#2 Legal Guide

SDG#3 Legal Guide

SDG#4 Legal Guide

SDG#5 Legal Guide

SDG#6 Legal Guide

SDG#13 Legal Guide

SDG#16 Legal Guide

  • 30 Self Nudges for the SDGs is an SDG i-Level Project that launched the Self-Nudging Online Toolkit for University Staff on SDGs. Self-Nudges help remind university teachers and staff of the relevance of their work to the SDGs, prompting them to think about sustainable development, apply this mental framework to their work and as a result create more contributions to SDGs while feeling better about what they do. A continuous and reinforced engagement with the SDGs will create a mindset conducive to forging new individual contributions to sustainable development and the SDGs.
  • Visit Alliance 87, an organization specifically focused on Target 8.7 and joining forces to provide educational resources, facts and graphics around ending forced labour, modern slavery, human trafficking and child labour around the world.

  • Visit the Alliance for Sustainability Leadership in Education for a breakdown of the event Realigning Curricula for the Future: Law and Sustainability. Attendees heard examples of good practice when embedding sustainability in the mathematics curriculum, discussed their own experience of embedding ESD and had the opportunity to reflect on how their curriculum represents the SDGs in a mapping activity. Watch the event on YouTube.

  • Read Advancing the SDGs at Canadian Universities.
  • The Black Curriculum in the UK is a grassroots social enterprise founded by young people to address the lack of Black British history in the UK curriculum and has resources related to Geography, Sociology, Law, English, and History. 
  • Visit the Canadian Labour Congress. They help people to understand the issues facing workers in Canada including Indigenous and LGBTQ employees and employees of colour. They have economists, researchers and subject matter experts and produce in-depth analysis on issues such as working conditions, health and safety, wages and benefits, healthcare, pensions and retirement security. 
  • Visit Faculty for a Future and search the Seed Library It is a searchable database of open-access educational resources that can support educators and students by integrating sustainability into discipline-specific teaching and learning. Search by issue, discipline, resource type and characteristic.
  • Read the Feminist International Assistance Policy report from Global Affairs Canada. It describes helping to eradicate poverty and vulnerability around the world with supports targeted to investments, partnerships, innovation and advocacy. 
  • Visit Learning for Justice for a Lesson Bank of ready-to-use classroom lessons that offer breadth and depth of essential social justice topics and can be filtered by level, subject, topic or social justice domain. 
  • Visit the SDG Academy Library for free and open educational materials. Law-related content includes international law, collective and individual rights, legal and regulatory frameworks, contracts, and negotiating that can be searched by language, SDG, series and subject.
  • TeachSDGs helps instructors to connect to the SDGs through resources such as videos, global projects, social media and teacher connections. 
  • Read Advocates for International Development (A4ID) report titled 'Improving Business and Human Rights (BHR): Mapping the East African BHR Sector'. The impact of business on human rights is a relatively new area of engagement among the legal community, government, and businesses in East Africa. A4ID’s UK Programme commissioned this mapping report to better understand and disseminate learning of business and human rights in East Africa to better support partnerships involved. 
  • Read the Human Rights Campaign's Corporate Equality Index 2022 report supporting SDGs #5, #8, #16, the 20th edition of the CEI is a survey benchmarking tool on how corporations across the United States and beyond are adopting equitable workplace policies, practices and benefits for LGBTQ+ employees. By using the CEI criteria as a guide, businesses can help ensure that their existing policy and benefits infrastructure is inclusive of LGBTQ+ workers and their families.
  • Visit Learning for Justice for a Lesson Bank of ready-to-use classroom lessons that offer breadth and depth of essential social justice topics and can be filtered by level, subject, topic or social justice domain.