Conference Keynote Addresses & Invited Presentations

IV Seminario en Pedagogia del Diseno: Cognicion Y Pensamiento de Diseno, Bogota, Colombia, Sept. 6, 2014
Title of Talk: The Designing Brain (Invited Talk)

IV Seminario en Pedagogia del Diseno: Cognicion Y Pensamiento de Diseno, Bogota, Colombia, Sept. 5, 2014
Title of Talk: Design Cognition (Keynote Talk)

Thinking through Drawing Symposium, Columbia University & Metropolitan Museum, NY, Oct. 24-26, 2013.
Title of Talk: Sketchy Thoughts (Invited Talk)

International Conference on Thinking, London, UK, July 2012
Role of Left Hemisphere in Inductive Inference Is Modulated by Beliefs (with A. Nicolle)

Seminar in Neuroscience, French General Consulate, Toronto, Oct. 7, 2010.
Title of Talk: Fractionating the Rational Brain

Tenth International Conference on Brain Informatics 2010, York University, Toronto, Aug 28-30, 2010
Title of Talk: Fractionating the Rational Brain (Keynote Address)

Fourth International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition – DCC10, Stuttgart, Germany, July 12-14, 2010
Title of Talk: Designer Brains (Keynote Address)

Sixth International Conference on Thinking, August 21-20 3, 2008, Venice, Italy
Title of Talk: Conflict detection during thinking: When our brain detects we're biased (Invited Talk, given by Wim DeNeys)

Defining Thoughts, June 5-7, 2008, Bochum, Germany
Title of Talk: Reason and beyond… (Invited Talk)

In Two Minds: Dual-Process Theories Of Reasoning And Rationality, July 5-7, 2006, The Open University, UK (Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge)
Title of Talk: Multiple Reasoning and Behavioral Systems: Carving up the Mind (With Common Sense, Dogma, and Pixie Dust) (Invited Talk)

Neural Correlates of Thinking Conference (Parmenides Foundation Workshop 13), June 15-18, 2006; Isle of Elba

Title of Talk: The Reasoning Brain: Towards an Understanding of the Neurobiology of Human Reasoning (Invited Talk)

ITC2004: The Fifth International Conference on Thinking, July 22-24, 2004, Leuven, Belgium Title of Talk: The Neuropsychology of Reasoning (Keynote Address)

ITC2004: The Fifth International Conference on Thinking, July 22-24, 2004, Leuven, Belgium Title of Talk: The Functional Neuroanatomy of Inductive Reasoning (Invited Talk)

ITC2004: The Fifth International Conference on Thinking, July 22-24, 2004, Leuven, Belgium Title of Talk: The Irrational Brain (Invited Talk)

Modeling Prefrontal Functions, Oct. 15-18, 2003, Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy
Title of Talk: Towards an Understanding of the Roles of PFC in Rational & Emotional Thought (Invited Talk)

Cognitive Science Center Amsterdam Symposium, July 5, 2003, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam Netherlands
Title of Talk: The Reasoning Brain: Towards Understanding the Neurobiology of Human Reasoning (Invited Talk)

Mental Models and the Mind Workshop, June 28-29, 2003, University of Freiburg, Germany
Title of Talk: The Reasoning Brain: A Case for Dual Mechanism Theory (Invited Talk)

TRIO (Anatomy of Laughter/ Traduire le Rire) Conference, Sept. 13–16, 2001, Oxford, UK
Title of Talk: A Laughing Matter: The Functional Anatomy of Humour (Invited Talk

Visual & Spatial Reasoning In Design, June 15-17, 1999, MIT (Keynote Address)
Title: Cognitive Role of Ill-Structured Representations in Preliminary Design

Knowing and Learning to Design, Georgia Institute of Technology, April 27-28, 1999 (Invited Talk)
Title:Dissociation of Design Knowledge

Conference on Cognition and Representation, SUNY, Buffalo, 1992
Title: Classifying Representational Systems: A Critique of Informational and Computational Equivalence.


Invited Talks (selected)

Department of Radiology, Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China, June 9, 2013
Host: Peipeng Liang
Title of Talk: Role of Left Hemisphere in Inductive Reasoning Is Modulated by Beliefs

Department of Radiology, Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China, June 12, 2013
Host: Kuncheng Li
Title of Talk: Role of Right PFC in Real-World Problem Solving

San Camillo Hospital, Lido, Venice, Italy, August 25, 2011
Host: Annalena Venneri
Title of Talk: Role of Right PFC in Real World Problem Solving

La Laguna University, Department of Psychology, Tenerife, Spain, February 23, 2011
Host:  Gorka Navarrete Garcia
Title of Talk: Hemispheric Asymmetry in Prefrontal Cortex

National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
Cognitive Neuroscience Section, Sept. 3, 2010
Host: Jordan Grafman
Title of Talk: Fractionating the Rational Brain

Universita' di Milano Bicocca, Dept. Of Psychology, Milano, Italy, March 31, 2010
Host: Paolo Cherubini
Title of Talk: Fractionating the Rational Brain

UC-Berkeley, Institute of Neuroscience, March 18, 2010
Host: Silvia Bunge
Title of Talk:  Fractionating the Rational Brain

CNRS, Institut des Sciences Cognitives, (Lyon, France), March 9, 2010
Host: Ira Noveck
Title of Talk: Hemispheric Asymmetry in Prefrontal Cortex

La Laguna University, Department of Psychology, February 22, 2010
Host:  Gorka Navarrete Garcia
Title of Talk:  Fractionating the Rational Brain

IBZ, Berlin,  Germany, Nov. 17, 2009
Host: Susan Ratka
Title of Talk: Humor in the Brain

University of Osnabrück , Institute of Cognitive Science, Osnabrück, Germany, November 11, 2009
 Host: Peter König
 Title of Talk: Dismantling the System of Human Rationality

Max Planck Institute-Human Development, ABC Group,  Berlin, Germany, October 28, 2009
Host: Jeffrey Stevens
Title of Talk: Reason and Less

Cambridge University, Department of Psychology (Zhangwill Colloquium), UK, November 21, 2008
Host: Luke Clark
Title of Talk: Dismantling the System of Human Rationality

York University, Cognitive Science Colloquium, September 17, 2008
Host: Verena Gottschling
Title of Talk: Reason Is Not Enough

University of Sussex, COGS, June 10, 2008
Host: Ron Chrisley
Title of Talk: Reason and beyond…

University of Waterloo, Institute of Theoretical Neuroscience, May 6-2008
Host: Chris Eliasmith
Title: Towards a Cognitive Neuroscience of Rational Thought

University of Missouri-Columbia, Department of Psychological Sciences, January 29, 2008
Host: Nelson Cowan
Title of Talk: Towards a Cognitive Neuroscience of Rational Thought…. and Beyond

Justus-Liebig University in Giessen, Germany, October 19, 2007
Host: Markus Knauff
Title of Talk: Hemispheric Specialization in Prefrontal Cortex

S.I.S.S.A. - I.S.A.S., Cognitive Neuroscience Sector Trieste, Italy, October 22, 2007
Host: Tim Shallice
Title of Talk: Hemispheric Specialization in Prefrontal Cortex

University of Hull, Department of Psychology, July 25, 2007
Host: Annalena Vennneri
Title of Talk: Humor in the Brain

University of Delhi, Department of Chemistry, December 20, 2006
Host: P. N. Kapoor           
Title of Talk: Humor in the Brain

University of Hull, Department of Psychology, July 3, 2006
Host: Annalena Vennneri
Title of Talk: Towards an Understanding of the Neurobiology of Human Reasoning

University College London, Institute of Neurology, Functional Imaging Lab, UK, July 7, 2006
Host: Ray Dolan
Title of Talk: Role of Prefrontal Cortex in Logical and Emotional Reasoning

Gakushuin University, Tokyo, Japan, Feb. 9, 2005

Host: Kunihiko Imai

Title 0f Talk: Humour in the Brain


National Institute of Physiological Science, Okazaki, Japan, Feb. 7, 2005

Host: N. Sadato

Title 0f Talk: Humour in the Brain


International Institute of Advanced Studies, Kyoto, Japan, Feb. 5, 2005

Host: Manabu Honda

Title 0f Talk: Towards an Understanding of the Roles of PFC in Rational & Emotional Processing


CNRS, Institut des Sciences Cognitives, (Lyon, France), Oct. 14, 2004

Host: Ira Noveck

Title of Talk: Neuropsychology of Rational & Emotional Thought

University of Queensland (Australia), Dept. of Psychology, April 30, 2004
Host: Valerie Stone
Title of Talk: “The Reasoning Brain: Towards an Understanding of the Neuropsychology of Rational & Emotional Thought"

University of Edinbugh, Dept. of Psychology, Oct. 21, 2003
Host: Brendon McGonigle
Title of Talk: Neuropsychology of Rational and Emotional Thought

University of Tubingen, Depts. of Psychiatry & Neurology, Tubingen, Germany, June 30, 2003
Host: Barbara Wild
Title of Talk: Humour in the Brain

Clinica Neurologica V, Universita' di Milano Bicocca, Ospedale San Gerardo, Monza, Italy, March 24, 2003
Host: Ildebrando Appollonio
Title of Talk: Towards an Understanding of the Roles of PFC in Rational & Emotional Processing

Brock University, Dept. of Psychology, Dec 18, 2002
Host: Sid Segalowitz
Title of Talk: The Reasoning Brain

Brock University, Dept. of Psychology, Dec 17, 2002
Host: Sid Segalowitz
Title of Talk: Humour in the Brain

University of Plymouth, Institute of Neuroscience, Nov. 19, 2002
Host: Jonathan Evans
Title of Talk: Multiple Neural Pathways for Human Reasoning

University of Victoria, Dept. of Psychology, Dec 4th, 2001
Host: Daniel Bub
Title of Talk: Towards an Understanding of the Role of the Prefrontal Cortex in Cognitive & Affective Processing

E.H.E.S.S., Ecole des Hautes Etudes, (Paris, France), Oct. 20, 2000
Host: Emanulle Dupois
Title of Talk: Neurobiology of Reason

CNRS, Institut des Sciences Cognitives, (Lyon, France), Oct. 18, 2000
Host: Ira Noveck
Title of Talk: A Laughing Matter: The Functional Anatomy of Humour

University of Aberdeen, July 6, 2000
Host: Annalena Vennneri
Title of Talk: A Laughing Matter: The Functional Anatomy of Humour

Rotman Research Institute, Baycrest Center, Toronto, Dec. 9, 1998
Host: Colloquium
Title of Talk: A Theory of Frontal Lobe Functions

Clarke Institute of Psychiatry, Nov. 18, 1998
Host: Shitij Kapur
Title of Talk: Cognitive Models of Delusions in Schizophrenia

Georgia Tech, Cognitive Science Colloquium, April 17, 1998
Host: Craig Zimring
Title of Talk: "The Designing Brain"

University of Oregon, Dept. of Psychology, Mar. 2, 1998
Host: Helen Neville
Title of Talk: "The Reasoning Brain"

University of Sussex, COGS, Jan. 20, 1998
Host: Ron Chrisley
Title of Talk: "The Reasoning Brain"

Rotman Research Institute, Baycrest Center, Toronto, May 1, 1995
Host: Mark Wheeler
Title of Talk: A Study of Frontal Patients Performing Real-World Financial Planning Tasks

University of Queensland (Australia), Dept. of Psychology, May 5th, 1994
Host: Mike Humphreys
Title of Talk: "Are Frontal Patients Impaired in Planning Tasks: Re-examining Data from Tower of Hanoi"

University of Wales / Cardiff, Dept. of Psychology, April 29, 1994
Host: H. Ellis
Title of Talk: "Are Frontal Patients Impaired in Planning Tasks: Re-examining Data from Tower of Hanoi"

University of Maryland, Dept. of Computer Science, Oct. 14, 1992
Host: Jim Hendler
Title of Talk: "The Structure of Design and Planning Task Environments and Problem Spaces"

Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Armstrong Laboratory, May 15, 1992
Host: Bob Eggleston
Title of Talk: "Computational Aids for Design"

National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
Cognitive Neuroscience Section, Nov. 1, 1991
Host: Jordan Grafman
Title of Talk: "Problem Solving in Ill-structured Domains"

Georgia Tech, Cognitive Science Colloquium, Sept. 20, 1991
Host: Janet Kolodner
Title of Talk: "Ill-structured Representations for Ill-structured Problems"

Princeton University, Dept. of Psychology, March 5, 1991
Host: Philip N. Johnson-Laird
Title of Talk: "Sketches of Thought"

University of Klagenfurt, Austria, Nov. 30, 1990
Host: Peter Baumgartner
Title of Talk: "Classifying Symbol Systems"

Ohio-State University, Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence Research, May 19, 1987
Host: B. Chandrasekaran
Title of Talk: "Issues in the Integration of Linguistic & Visual Information: Some Neglected Aspects of Problem Space Construction"


Workshop Presentations/ Participation

Cognitive Modelling in 3CAPS, Carnegie-Mellon University, Marcel Just, July 14 - 20, 1996

Meaning Holism Seminar: Rutgers University, Jerry Fodor & Ernie LePore, June 29 - August 15, 1992

AAAI Symposium: Reasoning with Diagrammatic Representations, Stanford University, Mar. 25-27, 1992

Working Conference on Teaching Design Skills, Georgia Tech, March 16-17, 1992

Intentionality in Cognitive Science Workshop, St. Georgen, Austria, Nov. 27-29, 1991

Office of Naval Research, Contractors Meeting, Georgia Tech, Sept. 22-24, 1991