The Experiential Education Working Group provides advice and guidance to University executive leadership on the integration of experiential education approaches to enhance the quality of teaching and learning, the overall academic experience of York’s students and the building of relationships between York and the community.
- Develop a high level strategy with recommendations to guide the leadership in making decisions about the extent to which the institution should embed experiential education approaches in degree program
- Recommend a ‘common language’ for experiential education
- Establish a baseline for EE activities
- Experiential Education Integration Summary and Recommended Actions (December, 2013)
- A Case for Change: Experiential Education Integration at York University (October, 2013)
- Will Gage, Associate Vice-President Teaching and Learning (Chair)
- Kim Bonnar, Osgoode, Faculty Representative
- Peter Cribb, Science, Faculty Representative
- Amy Gaukel, Engineering, Faculty Representative
- Janet Morrison, Vice-Provost Students
- Maria Palma Zito, Student Representative
- Celia Popovic, Director, Teaching Commons
- Julie Rahmer, Director, Career Centre
- Mark Robertson, Libraries Representative
- Karthiga Sandrasri, Teaching and Learning Officer, Office of the AVP Teaching & Learning
- Diane Woody, LA&PS, Faculty Representative