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Home » Experiential Education (EE) » Experiential Education Resources for Faculty

Experiential Education Resources for Faculty

The hallmark of education for the future is now intellectual agility, adaptability, and knowing how to learn in any context (York UAP, 2020-2025). As a global leader in offering unique EE learning experiences to our students, York is committed to strengthening the support and resources we provide to our faculty, in order to help faculty across all programs identify, structure and implement EE experiences.

For information about integrating experiential education into a course or program, please contact

For information about logistical requirements and connecting with employers and community partners, please contact your Faculty's experiential education coordinator.

Common Language for EE

This document includes descriptions and examples of various types of experiential education offered at York.

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EE Guide for Faculty

This guide provides instructions for getting started in developing and coding an experiential education course.

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Learn more about Riipen -a collaboration platform for experiential learning between post-secondary institutions, educators, industry partners and students.

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Teaching Commons

The Teaching Commons offers resources, workshops, consultations and online modules to support the development of experiential education in courses and programs.

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Examples of classroom-based experiential learning from York's School of Nursing.

Students' provide their perspective on reflective learning in experiential education.