As a content editor, you are responsible for identifying and fixing any accessibility errors that you are able to fix and that you have control over.
If you have a WordPress site and are using the 2014 or 2020 York template, errors where you may not have control over include:
- those in the York template (e.g. global navigation, left navigation, footer)
- using WordPress plugins or shortcodes
If you believe an error is one of these situations, submit the accessibility issue.
If you use external tools (e.g. YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Prezi) for your content, you are responsible for using all the accessibility features that those tools provide to make your content accessible. If a tool doesn't currently provide accessibility features, stay updated on future accessibility features of that tool.
If your site is on York Central Web or some other server, you are responsible for ensuring your site is accessible. If there are errors you are unable to fix then contact your local web support.