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Section: Evaluating Web Resources


Below is a brief discussion about some of the things to look for when trying to figure out who is responsible for the information.  Even if you have the name of the author or organization responsible for the information, it is worth trying to find out a bit about that person or organization.


You can also backtrack on the URL to get to the homepage for the organization linking to this information.  The URL indicates that the document is called ACF3A, and is located in a directory called uDocs on the website  We can gather some further clues by going to the homepage at

This website provides a marketing function for the various organizations responsible for it.  This realization gives the reader a clearer idea of why this information is being presented.  Information that is presented to market a product is not necessarily inaccurate or not authoritative, but realizing the marketing function of the information provides a framework for critically assessing it. 


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