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June meeting

At its 374th meeting held on Monday, June 24, 2002, the Board of Governors of York University....

  • received a presentation on the York University Foundation from Paul Marcus, president and CEO;
  • received a presentation on the Student Issues Roundtable from Antonio DiDomenico, co-Chair;
  • received preliminary remarks from President Marsden on the recent provincial budget;
  • noted the appointments of Bonnie Neuman as the vice-president students & alumni and Rhonda Lenton as the dean of the Atkinson Faculty of Liberal and Professional Studies;
  • approved, on the recommendation of the president and the Academic Resources Committee: the President’s Report on Appointments, Tenure and Promotion;
  • approved, on the recommendation of the senate and the Academic Resources Committee: the establishment of the Avie Bennett Historica Chairs in Canadian History and Canadian Literature;
  • approved, on the recommendation of the Finance, Property and Staff Resources Committee:
    • a banking relationship with the Bank of Nova Scotia to facilitate the implementation of a Library Copy Card system;
    • an increase to the University’s line of credit with the Bank of Montreal to handle cash flow for construction projects;
    • a replacement guarantee of the York University Development Corporation term loan from the Bank of Montreal concurrent with its refinancing;
    • a refinancing of the loan from the Bank of Montreal in respect to the Student Centre;
    • a refinancing of the loan from the Bank of Montreal for the Calumet and Assiniboine residences;
  • approved, on the recommendation of the Executive Committee, the appointment of Said Zebar-Adami and the reappointment of Luis Figueiredo and Giulio Malfattii to three-year terms on the Pension Fund Board of Trustees;
  • resolved to move into an in camera session, and approved the following appointments and re-appointments to the University Board of Governors: Marilyn Abram, Edward Broadbent, Paul Cantor, Margot Franssen, John Hunkin, Konata Lake, Varpu Lindström, Robert Martin, Randall Oliphant, Helen Sinclair, and as Honorary Governors: Richard Addis, William Chan and Helen Vari.
  • received information reports from the Finance, Property and Staff Resources; Investment; Academic Resources; and University Advancement Committees.

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