For full listing of research opportunities available, see
Deadline: early October
Alzheimer’s Association: Investigator Initiated Research (letter of intent due; full application due late October)
Deadline: Oct 1
American Council for Learned Societies: Frederick Burkhardt Residential Fellowships for Recently Tenured Scholars
Associated Medical Services, Inc.: Bioethics Program Grant-in-Aid; Hannah Institute for the History of Medicine Program Grant-in-Aid
Bunting Institute (Radcliffe College, Cambridge, MA): fellowship programs (Various)
Burroughs Wellcome Fund: Career Awards in the Biomedical Sciences
Canada Council: John G. Diefenbaker Award (draft nominations due at ORA; full nominations due Dec. 1)
Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation: clinic incentive grants, fellowships, research grants, scholarships
Canadian Federation of Biological Societies (in conjunction with AstraZeneca Canada Inc.): request for proposals
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR): international scientific exchanges; maintenance grants for multi-user equipment
Cure Autism Now Foundation: various grants
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation: clinical fellowships; clinical research grants (full application due; letter of intent due June 1)
EJLB Foundation: scholar research program (full application due; letter of intent due May 1)
Environment (Ontario Ministry of): Award of Excellence
German-Canadian Studies Foundation Inc. (University of Winnipeg): research grants
Guggenheim Memorial Foundation: fellowship competition
National Institutes of Health (US): public health service grants
Hospital for Sick Children Foundation: Duncan L. Gordon Fellowship Program
Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International: career development awards; research grants; postdoctoral fellowships (complete application is due; first two pages of application due Sept. 15)
Laidlaw Foundation: Performing Arts Program
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society: career development awards (complete application due;
preliminary application due Sept. 15)
Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada: career development awards, postdoctoral fellowships, research grants
National Multiple Sclerosis Society (US): health care delivery and policy research contracts (letter of intent due; full application due Jan. 2)
NATO: Science Program (cooperative science and technology related to "security-related civil science")
NSERC: collaborative health research projects; collaborative research opportunities (full application due; letter of intent is due July 1); intellectual property management; major facilities access grants (full application due; "notification of intent" is due Aug. 15); NATO science fellowships (applications due at NSERC; deadline to notify ORA of intent to apply is Aug. 15); Research Grants (for subatomic physics project research grants); research network grants (letter of intent); ship time (applications due; notification of intent to apply is due Sept. 1)
Ontario HIV Treatment Network (OHTN): investigator-driven research fund
Ottawa Life Sciences Council: National Merit Award
Research Corporation: research opportunity awards
Sloan (Alfred P.) Foundation: industry center Fellowships
SSHRC: Bora Laskin National Fellowship in Human Rights Research; postdoctoral fellowships; Therese F.-Casgrain Fellowship for Research on Women and Social Change in Canada
Steacie (E.W.R.) Memorial Fund: Steacie Prize
United States Institute of Peace: grant program
Whitaker Foundation: biomedical engineering research grants (full application due; preliminary application due Aug. 1)
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars: Kennan Institute (Washington, DC): fellowships
Deadline: mid-October
Alzheimer’s Association: Alzheimer’s Association Pioneer Awards for Alzheimer’s Disease (letter of intent due; full application due mid-/late November); pilot research grants (full application due; letter of intent due mid-September) Senator Mark Hatfield Award for Clinical Research in Alzheimer’s Disease (letter of intent due; full application due mid-December); Zenith Fellows Award Program (letter of intent due; full application due early December)
American Foundation for AIDS Research (AmFAR): basic research grants programs (letter of intent due; full application due mid-December)
Canola Council of Canada: Canola Germplasm Development Program; Canola Utilization Assistance Program
Photonics Research Ontario (PRO): request for proposals
Deadline: Oct. 15
American Schools of Oriental Research: Near Eastern Fellowship Program: various fellowships
Canadian Cancer Society: personnel support, Maurice Legault Awards; McEachern Awards
Canadian Foundation for Dietetic Research (CFDR): consumer research Grants; dietetic practice research grants (letters of intent due; full applications due Feb. 15)
Canadian Health Services Research Foundation (CHSRF): Career Reorientation Award
Canadian Seed Growers’ Association: research grants
Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange: grant
Columbia University (New York City): Center for Comparative Literature and Society postdoctoral fellowships; Society of Fellows in the Humanities Postdoctoral Fellowships
Donner (William H.) Foundation, Inc.: research grants
National Institutes of Health (US): interactive research project grants
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC): travel grants
Kidney Foundation of Canada: allied health professional research grants; biomedical fellowships; biomedical research grants; biomedical scholarships
Leaky Foundation: special research grants (pre-application due; formal application due early January)
Metcalf (George Cedric) Foundation: performing arts program
Muscular Dystrophy Association Canada: operating grants
National Cancer Institute of Canada (NCIC): Canadian Breast Cancer Research Initiative (Feasibility Grants, Research Grants); research grants to individuals
National Humanities Center (North Carolina): fellowships
San Diego Foundation: Blasker Award for Environmental Science and Engineering
Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute (SICI): Canadian Studies Program; CIDA-SICI Project
SSHRC: Initiative on the New Economy (research grants); standard research grants
Stanford Humanities Center (Stanford University): external faculty fellowships
Tourette Syndrome Association, Inc.: research and training grants (letter of intent due; full application due Dec. 15)
Deadline: Oct. 30
York University (administered by ORA): SSHRC Conference Travel Grants
Deadline: Oct. 31
Alzheimer Society of Canada: Alzheimer Disease Research Grants Program; Alzheimer Disease Biomedical Research Fellowship; Alzheimer Disease Biomedical Research Grants Program
Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC): Faculty Research Award Program for Canadians
Fondation Fyssen: international prize; research grant
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (FAITC): Visiting Foreign Artists Program (deadline to inform ORA of intent to apply; applications due at FAITC Dec. 31)
Hospital for Sick Children Foundation: Innovative Investigations Grants Program (full application due; letter of intent due Sept. 1); New Investigators Grants Program
International Council for Canadian Studies: Foreign government awards (for Finland, France, Germany, Korea, and Mexico)
Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF): postdoctoral fellowships in science and engineering Pricewaterhouse-Coopers Endowment for the Business of Government: grants
Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute (SICI): Women and Development Awards in India for Canadians
SSHRC: research development initiatives
von Humboldt (Alexander) Foundation: TransCoop Program
York University (administered by ORA): SSHRC Small Grants Program
Deadline: late October
Alzheimer’s Association: Investigator Initiated Research (full application due; letter of intent due early Oct.)
Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC): Special Grants Program for Japanese Studies in Canada, Tanaka Fund Program for Japanese Language Studies (applications due at AUCC; applications due in ORA in early September)