The Office of the Vice-President Research & Innovation hosted a luncheon last week in honour of York authors, Chairs, external grant, awards and honours recipients for 2001 - 2002. As you will see below, the list was extensive.
Among the honoured guests were MPP York Centre Monte Kwinter, Councillors Suzanne Hall (Toronto), Mario Racco (Vaughan), Maria Augmeri (Toronto), Executive Director of CRC Rene Durocher, President and CEO of CIAR Chaviva Hosek, Executive Director of OIT David Boagart, several York board members, Chancellor Avie J. Bennett and President Lorna R. Marsden.
Above the list of York authors, award winners etc. is a key to the symbols by their names:
Authors/Equivalent to authors
n NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council)
l SSHRC (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council)
External Awards
Other External Grants
CIHR (Canadian Institute for Health Research
CFI (Canada Foundation for Innovations)
Canada Research Chairs
Ë PREA (Premier’s Research Excellence Award)
Abella, Irving t
Adelman, Howard l
Agnew, Vijay l
Aldridge, Keith n
Angus, Lynne l
Armstrong, C. &t
Armstrong, Pat l
Badr, Ibrahim t
Ban, Yifang S
Barndt, Deborah &
Batdorf, Erika &
Bedard, Andre ò
Bohme, Diethard n
Bouraoui, Hédi &
Bournes, Debra Y
Brown, Shirley Ann &
Buchli, Ines &
Bunting, Annie l
Burns, Robert n
Cafarelli, Enzo n
Caldwell, John n
Cannon, Wayne Y
Cheng, Qiuming n
Chung, Janne l
Clark, Matthew &
Coe, Imogen ò
Cohen, Elizabeth S. &
Cohen, Thomas V. &
Colman, Brian n
Coombe, Rosemary Y
Crawford, Doug ò
Crow, Barbara A. Y
Cummings, Michael &
Danziger, Leif l
Darewych, Jurij n Y
Darroch, Gordon S
Desfor, Gene &
Donaldson, Logan S
Drexler, Julianna t
Dubeau, Suzanne Y
Edmondson, Jonathan & l
Elder, James Y
Endler, Norman l
Feldman, Seth t
Fisher-Stitt, Norma S. & Y
Flett, Gordon &
Flint, Frances t
Friendly, Michael n
Gagliese, Lucia S Y
Gentles, Ian &
Gibbs, Alison ò
Giles, Wenona &
Godard, Barbara t Y
Goel, Vinod ò Ë
Goldie, Terry &
Green, Bryan S. &
Guiasu, Silviu &
Haas, Tara ò
Haberman, Arthur &
Hamm, Ernst &
Harris, Laurence & Y
Herren, Michael & t
Hill, Alan n
Holloway, Clive E. &
Hood, David n ò
Hopkinson, Alan n
Horbatsch, Marko n
Horowitz, Asher l
Huang, Huaxiong n Y
Hudak, Katalin n
Innes, Christopher «&
Isin, E. «l&
Jasiak, Joann & n
Jenkin, Michael & n
Johnson, Philip S
Kant-Antonescu, Mariana n
Karch, Pierre &
Kater, Michael l
Katz, J. «
Kelly, Philip l
King, Ruth l
Koniuk, Roman n
Korrick, Leslie l
Krylov, Sergey n
Kurasawa, Fuyuki l
Kushniruk, Andre l
Lakin-Thomas, Patricia n
Lalonde, Richard l
Lawee, Eric &
Lever, A.B.P. t n
Lew, Roger n
Leyton-Brown, David &
Leznoff, Clifford n
Li, Jinyan & Y
Liang, Dong n
Lindstrom, Varpu Y
Liu, Joseph n
Lockshin, Martin &
Lovejoy, Paul & Y
Luxton, Meg &
Madras, Neal &
Mason, Steven l
Matsuoka, Atsuko &
Mayberry, John Y
McCaffery, Steve & t
McCall, Marshall n
McDermott, J.C. ò n Ë
McKinnon, Peter Y
McNally, David &
McQueen, Don &
Medendorp, Wybrand ò
Menary, Scott n
Metraux, Guy P.R. t
Michelangeli, Dianne n
Mills, Jennifer t S
Moens, Peter n
Molot, Lewis n
Monette, Georges ò
Mossman, Mary Jane Y
Mott, David & t Y
Mozurkewich, Michael n
Naddaf, Gerard l
Nicol, Nancy Y
Okafor, Obiora Y
Ono, Hiroshi n
Organ, Michael G. ò
Orsini, Michael ò
Packer, Laurence n
Pagiatakis, Spiros n
Panitch, L. «
Paper, Jordan &
Paraskevopoulos, Chris &
Peake, Linda l
Pearlman, R.E. ò
Pelletier, Donald &
Peng, Chun ò Ë
Pepler, D.J. ò
Porter, Sara Y
Prince, Robert H. Y
Prisman, Eliezer l
Promislow, David Y
Puri, Poonam Y
Quilico-Petrowska, C. Y &
Rahder, Barbara &
Rajagopal, Indhu &
Raphael, Dennis ò
Razack, Narda &
Regan, D.M. t
Rennie, D. L. &
Roventa, Eugene &
Rubenstein, Anne &
Rudakoff, Judith & Y t
Rutherford, Alexandra l
Sanders, Leslie &
Schecter, Sandra &
Scott, Jamie S. &
Sergio, Lauren S ò
Sevigny, Savitsa &
Shapson, Stan Y ò t
Shea, Victor &
Shenitzer, Abe &
Shore, Marlene &
Shubert, Adrian &
Silver, Phillip &
Sinclair, Margaret &
Siu, Michael Y
Small, Holly & Y
Smithin, John &
Solomon, Patrick l
Spraakman, G. P. & Y
Spring, David n
Staines, Richard n
Steinbach, Martin n
Stuerzlinger, Wolfgang Y
Stutchbury, Bridget t Y
Sweeney, Gary S
Taggar, Simon l
Taylor, Peter n
Tenhaaf, Nell & Y
Tholen, Walter n
Thompson, E. «
Trotman, David &
Tsotsos, John K. Y
Tucker, Eric l
Tweyman, Stanley &
Tzerpos, Vassillios n
van Wijngaarden, W. n
Villani, Sergio &
Viswanathan, Sundar & Y
Wekerle, Gerda l
Westfall, William t
White, A. «
Whitla, William &
Wick Pelletier, Joan n
Wicken, William C. &
Wiktorowicz, Mary Y
Wilcox, Laurie n
Wildes, Richard n
Wilkinson, Fran ò n
Wilson, Hugh R. Y
Wong, Augustine n
Wood, Patricia l
Wu, Yuehua n
Yan, Norman & nS
Yisong, Tian l