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Native son returns

Charles McMillan, a professor of international business at the Schulich School of Business and a native Prince Edward Islander, will be keynote speaker at the second Atlantic Leadership Conference at the University of P.E.I. this weekend, reported The Guardian in Charlottetown Oct. 4.

The real thug

An opinion piece in The Standard in St. Catharines Oct. 4, tackles Osgoode Hall Law School Professor Michael Mandel’s opposition to a US miliary attack on Iraq. Mandel was the spokesman for 120 Canadian celebrities who signed a petition entitled Time to Move Beyond War last week. “Mandel, another spokesman who once said that ‘if we are going to deport all terrorists, we should close the Israeli Embassy. And the American one,’ told the media that the conflict with Iraq was only about oil and ‘the thugs in the White House.’ What Mandel doesn’t seem to realize is that the real ‘thug’ is in Baghdad,” wrote the author of the opinion piece.

Betacom entrée

Betacom Corporation Inc. has nominated Fred Lazar, economics specialist at Schulich School of Business, to its board of directors, reported Canada News-Wire Oct. 4. A vote will take place Oct. 10 at the company’s annual general meeting.

On the air

Peter Gizewski of York University Centre for International and Security Studies appeared on the following programs Oct. 3 talking about how the Bush administration has outlined a strike first policy against its enemies: CBC’s “Edmonton AM”, “St. John’s Morning”, Goose Bay’s “Labrador Morning”, Calgary “Eye Opener”, Moncton’s “Info Morning”, national “Commentary”, Toronto’s “Metro Morning”, “Ontario Morning”…. Saeed Rahnema, political science professor, is interviewed about falling in line with American policy apparently aimed at military conflict with iraq, on CBC’s “Metro Morning” Oct. 3…. Roxanne Mykitiuk, Osgoode Hall Law School professor of law and bio-ethics, gave her impressions of the myriad genetics test and how they feel about the advertising of this test to the general public, on CBC’s “This Morning”…. Michael Mandel, Osgoode Hall professor, discusses Oct. 3 whether he believes Canada should join the states in any action against Iraq, on the “World According to Mark 3” on CFRA in Ottawa.

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