For full listing of research opportunities available, see
Deadline: Oct. 31
Alzheimer Society of Canada: Alzheimer Disease Research Grants Program; Alzheimer Disease Biomedical Research Fellowship; Alzheimer Disease Biomedical Research Grants Program
Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC): Faculty Research Award Program for Canadians
Fondation Fyssen: international prize; research grant
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (FAITC): Visiting Foreign Artists Program (deadline to inform ORA of intent to apply; applications due at FAITC Dec. 31)
Hospital for Sick Children Foundation: Innovative Investigations Grants Program (full application due; letter of intent due Sept. 1); New Investigators Grants Program
International Council for Canadian Studies: Foreign government awards (for Finland, France, Germany, Korea, and Mexico)
Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF): postdoctoral fellowships in science and engineering Pricewaterhouse-Coopers Endowment for the Business of Government: grants
Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute (SICI): Women and Development Awards in India for Canadians
SSHRC: research development initiatives
von Humboldt (Alexander) Foundation: TransCoop Program
York University (administered by ORA): SSHRC Small Grants Program
Deadline: late October
Alzheimer’s Association: Investigator Initiated Research (full application due; letter of intent due early Oct.)
Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC): Special Grants Program for Japanese Studies in Canada, Tanaka Fund Program for Japanese Language Studies (applications due at AUCC; applications due in ORA in early September)
Deadline: Nov. 1
Associated Medical Services, Inc.: Hannah Institute for the History of Medicine Program (Hannah-Wellcome Centre travelling fellowship, postdoctoral fellowship)
Bickell (J.P.) Foundation: medical research grants-in-aid
Burroughs Wellcome Fund: investigators in pathogenesis of infectious Ddisease
Canada Council: Killam prizes
Canadian Blood Services: blood transfusion training awards (in conjunction with the CIHR); Novo Nordisk Canada Inc. research fellowship in hemostasis management
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR): fellowships; senior research fellowships
Canadian Lung Association: Canadian Nurses’ Respiratory Society
Centre for Jewish Studies (York University): research grants in Canadian Jewish studies
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD): research grants (research grants for recent PhDs and PhD candidates, study visit research grants for faculty); special programs (DAAD-Leo Baeck Institute grants, information visits)
National Institutes of Health (US): Public Health Service grants (competing continuation, supplemental and revised grants)
Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada: junior personnel awards: research fellowship
Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario: program grants (full application due; letter of intent due July 15); scientific fellowships in prevention research; Stroke Research Fellowship Award; Women’s Heart Disease and Stroke Foundation Fellowship Award
NATO: science program (cooperative science and technology related to "physical and engineering science")
NSERC: discovery grants (applications due at NSERC Nov. 1, 2002; notification of intent to apply is due Aug. 15); research tools and instruments (Category 1); university faculty awards. Must be received at NSERC in Ottawa on Nov. 1
SSHRC: Aid to occasional scholarly conferences in Canada and international congresses in Canada
York University (Senate Committee on Teaching and Learning - SCOTL): release-time teaching fellowships; teaching-learning development grants
York University (administered by ORA): Mariano A. Elia Research Fund; York University research development fellowship (administered by Academic Staff Relations)
Deadline: Nov. 5
Calgary Institute for the Humanities: postdoctoral fellowships
Deadline: Nov. 6
Canadian Health Services Research Foundation (CHSRF): open grants competition (letters of intent due; full application due mid-March)
Deadline: Nov. 8
SSHRC: Initiative on the New Economy (collaborative research initiatives, letter of intent due; full application is due July 14, 2003)
Ontario Mental Health Foundation: fellowships; John Dewan Prize; Paul Christie Memorial Prize
Deadline: Nov. 12
Association for Canadian Studies: visiting faculty lecturer program
Deadline: Nov. 15
Foundation for Educational Exchange between Canada and the United States of America: The Canada-US Fulbright Program
NSERC: postdoctoral fellowships
Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute (SICI): CIDA-SICI Project: development programs (Women and Development Awards in Canada for Indians)
University of British Columbia: Izaak Walton Killam postdoctoral fellowships
Deadline: Nov. 18
Alzheimer’s Association: Alzheimer’s Association Pioneer Awards for Alzheimer’s Disease (full application due; letter of intent due early/mid-October)
Lithoprobe: call for applications for university supporting geoscience projects
Physicians’ Services Incorporated Foundation: research grant
Deadline: Late November
Associated Medical Services, Incorporated: Hannah Institute for the History of Medicine Program (development grant (including conference support), educator/clinician study award, millennium visitor program, student exchange program)
Canadian Health Services Research Foundation (CHSRF): postdoctoral awards
Canadian Institute for Health Information: Canadian Population Health Initiative
Canadian Society for the Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel): Charpak/Vered Exchange Fellowship
French Embassy in Canada: European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics
Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Department of): Northern Science Award
Jewish Book Council: National Jewish Book Award
Lady Davis Fellowship Trust: postdoctoral fellowships (Technion); visiting professorships (Technion and Hebrew University)
SSHRC: major collaborative research initiatives (deadline to submit draft letter of intent to ORA; letter of intent due at SSHRC Jan. 31; full application due at SSHRC Sept. 1 by invitation only)