On Dec. 16 Canada’s Internet development organization, CANARIE, announced the signing of a contract for over a $1.565-million award to fund ABEL, the Advanced Broadband Enabled Learning project. York University is the lead contractor on the project.
Described as "a new way of teaching teachers", ABEL will facilitate professional development in the use of broadband networks as teaching tools. Through videoconferencing, online discussions with experts in the use of broadband technologies in the classroom and other training techniques, the ABEL project will use CANARIE''s CA*net 4 research network to develop a model for an innovative, collaborative means of online professional development for teachers. Organizers hope to offer this model to teachers across Canada once it is fully developed.
"Through CANARIE, we can both utilize and conduct further research into the technology that allows teacher professional development and student learning through inter-jurisdictional and inter-institutional collaboration," said Stan Shapson, York''s VP research & innovation, at a recent news conference. "Broadband connectivity meets the unique needs, expectations and learning styles of teachers, faculty and students. We can literally plug into learning."
For more information on the project, visit the following Web site: http://www.canarie.ca/press/releases/02_12_16.html.