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DRP Lorraine Code takes York research to South Africa

Lorraine Code, distinguished research professor, Department of Philosophy, is becoming even more “distinguished”. She has been chosen as a keynote speaker at the Philosophical Society of South Africa conference at Rhodes University, Grahamstown, which runs during the week of Jan. 20.

Code”s address is “Knowing Ecologically: Remapping the Epistemic Terrain”, a presentation she made in December to the American Philosophical Association. It draws on her work as holder of a Canada Council Killam Research Fellowship (1999-2001), from which she is writing a book with the working title “Ecological Thinking”, to be published by Oxford University Press.

Code will spend a month in South Africa, returning in early February to the Philosophy Department at Rhodes University, where she will spend 10 days as scholar in residence. During that time she will present seminars to graduate students and will hold informal discussions on her recently published work and current work-in-progress.

“In addition, my contributions to the development of feminist epistemology will be one of the topics of discussion at the National Endowment for the Humanities funded summer seminar on feminist epistemologies at Penn State University in July,” says Code. “I am one of four visiting lecturers invited to present a public lecture. I will also be holding two informal seminars for participants on topics in my work, both published and in progress.”

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