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York students reach out to Mars and beyond

Members of the York chapter of Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS) are far-seeking. They meet on campus but they look into the depths of space.... And soon they’ll be looking at the faces behind Canada’s future space exploration.

SEDS are hosting a symposium entitled "Mars and Beyond: Canada’s Current and Future Role in Space Exploration and Development", at which Canadian astronaut, president of the Canadian Space Agency and York honorary degree recipient Marc Garneau (right) will be giving a presentation. The event takes place Tuesday, Jan. 21, 9:45am-noon, Senate Chamber, N940 Ross Bldg.

Garneau’s talk is called "A New Era for Canada in Space: Canada’s Vision for Mars Exploration". Speaker Paul Fulford, senior systems engineer of the Mars Program at MD Robotics, will talk about "Current and Future Mars Projects at MD Robotics". Mike Dixon (left), director of the Controlled Environment System Research Facility and Chair of Environmental Biology at University of Guelph, will discuss "Bioregenerative Life Support for Long Term Human Space Exploration".

The symposium is sponosored by Bethune College, Office of Student Affairs, Faculty of Pure & Applied Science, York Federation of Students and CRESSTech.

SEDS is an independent, student-based organization which seeks to promote the exploration and development of space. For more information about the group, check the Web site at

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