For a full listing of research opportunities available, see
Deadline: Late April
Science and Technology Foundation of Japan: Japan Prize
Deadline: April 30
Canada Council: Walter Carson Prize for Excellence in the Performing Arts
Hospital for Sick Children Foundation: Innovative Investigations Grants ProgramĀ (letter of intent due March 1); New Investigators Grants Program
International Development Research Centre (IDRC): Ecosystem Approaches to Human Health: Academic Fellowships (letter of intent due)
March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation: Research Grants (letter of intent due)
Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation of Canada: Major Research Grant for Biomedical Research into Intellectual Impairment
SSHRC: Canadian Tobacco Research Initiative: Policy Research Grants (a strategic joint initiative with the National Cancer Institute of Canada (NCIC)
von Humboldt (Alexander) Foundation: Wolfgang Paul Programme
York University (administered by ORA): SSHRC Conference Travel Grant
Deadline: early May
Change Foundation: Research Grants (letter of intent)
Ontario March of Dimes: Jonas Salk Award
Deadline: May 1
Burroughs Wellcome Fund: Career Awards at the Scientific Interface
EJLB Foundation: Scholar Research Program (letter of intent)
Huntington Society of Canada: Laura's Hope Fund
Tree Research & Education Endowment Fund (TREE): Hyland R. Johns Grant Program
NATO Science Program - Cooperative Science and Technology: Security-Related Civil Science and Technology (SST) Program
Ontario Cancer Research Network: Research Awards
Research Corporation: Research Innovation Awards; Research Opportunity Awards
SSHRC: Aid to Occasional Research Conferences and International Congresses in Canada
Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research: Research Grants
York University (Atkinson Faculty of Liberal & Professional Studies): Kitty Lundy Memorial Fund
Deadline: mid-May
Premier's Research Excellence Award (PREA)
Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STHLE): 3M Teaching Fellowships
Deadline: May 15
Canada Council: Killam Research Fellowships
Deadline: May 30
NSERC Synergy Awards for Innovation - Nominations
Deadline: May 31
Korea Foundation: Fellowship Programs