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Singing the praises of a modest volunteer

Chris (Alexandra) Stefou, left, administrative assistant in the Department of Academic Employee Relations, is one of those people who quietly volunteer with no expectation of reward – in fact, who almost shuns any kind of recognition for her help.

But thanks to her colleagues at York, word came out that on April 29 Stefou was honoured at the Toronto Police Service 2003 Volunteer Appreciation Ceremony at Charles O. Bick College. She was presented with the following two awards in the form of plaques: the James Gordon Carnegie Award Toronto Police Service Auxiliary Officer Of The Year 2003; and the Victim Services Program Of Toronto Community Service Award. She was cited as one "whose extraordinary efforts have advanced the cause of volunteerism with the Victim Services program of Toronto."

Stefou has been a volunteer for Victim Services, located at Police Headquarters, 40 College Street, for over 10 years, assisting the police with victims of crime on scene, in victims’ homes, at hospitals and at police stations, and working as a Macedonian interpreter.

"The Victim Services mandate is to assist police officers with victims of crime," she said.

In addition, she has been an auxiliary police constable for 31 Division for over six years. "Both roles have given me great satisfaction in knowing that I have helped out not only victims of crime but also my community," said Stefou.

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