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A breath of fresh air from below

Raised floors are catching on across Canada, with academia joining the movement, reported The Globe and Mail Sept. 23. The University of Toronto, York University’s Schulich School of Business and the University of Ontario Institute of Technology in Oshawa have all incorporated under-floor air distribution systems in new facilities that blow out warm, cool and recirculated air through individually controlled louvres in the floor at each workstation. Students will be less likely to doze off in lecture halls if they can blow cold air at themselves, said the Globe.

Tennis hero hit balls at York

Davis Cup star Frank Dancevic used to practise at the National Tennis Centre at York University, reported the Toronto Star Sept. 23. He’d bash balls until 11am, take a break, then train a few more hours before heading home, the newspaper said.

On air

  • Alan Young, lawyer and professor at York’s Osgoode Hall Law School, promoted his book, Justice Defiled, which pokes fun at lawyers and judges, on CBC Radio’s “Here and Now” in Toronto Sept. 22.
  • Jonathan Mann, CNN International anchor, York University alumnus and former CBLT anchor, commented on his career and recognition as an international broadcaster and on the York University Foundation, on CityPulse TV’s “Money Day” Sept. 22.
  • Political scientist Robert Drummond, dean of York’s Faculty of Arts, discussed the Ontario election on CBC TV’s “Canada Now” Sept. 22.
  • Rob Macdonald, associate dean of York University’s Faculty of Environmental Studies, commented on a transition from coal to gas fired generating stations in southwestern Ontario, an issue in the provincial election, on “CBC News: Countrywide” carried on Country Canada digital cable Sept. 22.

York in the Media


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