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Touch the future during York’s Advanced Networking Day

If you have always wanted to know more about advanced networking and applications, then mark Tuesday, Dec. 2 on your calendar. That’s when York University is hosting
Advanced Networking Day for faculty and staff, in the Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) Building, Room 1009, starting at 8:30am.

Organized with support from the Ontario Research and Innovation Optical Network (ORION ), CANARIE (Canada 's Advanced Internet Organization) and GTAnet, the York event is one of a series of regional ORION - CA*net4 Days designed to promote awareness of advanced networking among faculty and staff of Ontario's postsecondary institutions.

Most Ontario colleges and universities are now connecting to the ORION network, one of the world’s most advanced Research and Education (R&E) optical networks, dedicated exclusively to  research and education. This workshop will provide an opportunity for people to learn more about this new collaborative technology infrastructure.

The one-day event will feature presentations on CANARIE and ORION initiatives as well as presentations from researchers and educators who are taking advantage of advanced networking and collaboration technology.

One such initiative is ABEL (Advanced Broadband Enabled Learning), which is funded by the CANARIE e-Learning program. ABEL is developing an interactive, collaborative learning model for teacher and faculty professional development and education delivery, currently for users in Ontario and Alberta. ABEL interconnects the faculties of education at York University and the University of Alberta with six schools in Toronto and Edmonton. It is housed in the TEL Building at York University, and York’s Office of the VP Research & Innovation is the lead. For information on ABEL, visit

Stan Shapson, York’s VP research & innovation, Bob Gagne, York CIO and executive director of CNS and the Chair of GTAnet, and Phil Baker, president and CEO of ORANO (Optical Regional Advanced Network of Ontario), will make the opening remarks at the Advanced Network Day event. For a detailed schedule of talks and presentations at York and for a listing of other venues, visit

Participants are from Ontario universities, colleges, teaching hospitals, public sector research labs and other users that are now connecting to the ORION network, and from institutions that are contemplating joining Ontario’s advanced networking community.

Advanced Networking Day will be video-streamed from the ABEL Web site shortly after the event. If you are interested in learning more about Advanced Networks, contact ABEL's project manager, Janet Murphy, at ext. 20022.

For administrative information on this event, contact Cindy Donnelly at

About ORION, CA*net 4

ORION is Ontario's new high-speed research and education optical network, with connection points in 21 cities, connecting Ontario universities, colleges, teaching hospitals, research labs and some school boards to each other and to other R&E networks and colleagues across Canada and around the world. ORION provides its users with connectivity to the CA*net 4, Canada’s advanced research and education networks national backbone, operated by CANARIE, Canada's advanced internet development organization. For more information about CANARIE, visit

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