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Belinda not first Stronach to enter politics

In a Jan. 20 story about Belinda Stronach’s plan to run for the leadership of the new Conservative Party of Canada, the National Post talked to Robert MacDermid, a political science professor in York’s Faculty of Arts. McDermid, who has tracked Magna’s donations, suggested that Belinda’s father Frank Stronach ran for the Liberal party in 1988 on an anti-free trade platform because his company benefited at one point from the type of government support free trade may preclude. Now Magna is a global company with different priorities, which may be reflected in Belinda Stronach’s decision to run for the Conservatives, he said. "I don’t think it’s well known where she stands on many issues."

Lessons from a paper doll

Flat Mark is coming home – escorted by the Prime Minister of Canada, no less. The 35-centimetre tall paper doll was created by Grade 4 students of York graduate Karlo Cabrera at Toronto’s Fenside Public School as part of a civics project, reported the Toronto Star Jan. 20. He has spent the past two months as Paul Martin’s companion, attending Liberal fundraisers, confidential meetings and even Martin’s swearing in. Martin himself was to return the doll Jan. 20, noted the paper, and meet with students to tell them all about Flat Mark’s adventures. "We got the final word on Friday, so we told the students – some couldn’t believe it," said Cabrera, who began the project. "It’s just been an amazing learning opportunity, not just for our classroom but the whole school," added Cabrera, who has been teaching at Fenside since he graduated with a bachelor of education degree from York University four years ago. "They’re learning about protocol…the proper way to interact with the Prime Minister, which is a different way than the way they’d interact with grandma." In the past, Cabrera’s classes have sent flat paper dolls to schools around the world, but this fall, since his class was learning about Canada, he wanted to do something different.

Sailor plans to go around alone again

Derek Hatfield

Argos owners still eyeing York site

Three major Toronto dailies reported Jan. 20 that Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment (MLSE) is continuing to discuss plans for a new sports complex at the University of Toronto.

The Globe and Mail

The Toronto Sun

The National Post reported that Sokolowski insists the city could end up with two new mid-size outdoor stadiums. He said if the U of T and MLSE reach an agreement, his team would discuss playing at the Varsity site, but not automatically go there over the other two sites – York and Exhibition Place. "We’re just doing our due diligence now on each site," he said.

On air

  • Richard Leblanc
  • Howard Adelman

, expert on corporate governance and policy professor at York University’s Schulich School of Business, analyzed the latest chapter in Conrad Black’s legal and business troubles on "Dave Rutherford" (CHQR-AM), Calgary, Jan. 19. , founder of the York Centre for Refugee Studies, discussed how retired general Romeo Dallaire is testifying at the Rwanda war crimes trial, on CBC Radio’s "Here and Now" in Toronto, Jan. 19.said a decision could be made in three weeks. If MLSE and U of T consummate a deal – and the growing consensus is that will happen – Sokolowski and Cynamon are expected to sell a 50 per cent equity in the team to MLSE and/or MLSE chairman Larry Tanenbaum and use MLSE’s empire to build their own brand. "We’re speaking every day," Cynamon said of talks with Tanenbaum. "Everybody is putting their best effort forward to work together." Tanenbaum has no interest in partnering with Sokolowski and Cynamon on any site other than Varsity, said the Sun. "Our focus is on Varsity 100 per cent," Tanenbaum said. "In my mind, it’s the right place for a stadium and the right place for the Argos and it’s the right thing for the university. It works out for everybody." said Howard Sokolowski, a co-owner of the Toronto Argonauts, and partner David Cynamon are continuing to review possible sites for a stadium other than at the University of Toronto. The two have proposed building a 25,000-seat stadium at York University for between $40-million and $60-million, reported the Globe. The complex would be suitable for football and soccer, but would not have a track. The two are expected to hold meetings with York officials this week, the Globe added. plans to sail solo around the globe again, reported the Toronto Star Jan. 20. Last year, the Toronto resident and 1985 York graduate took the slow route from New York to Newport, R.I. – around the world in a 12-metre racing sailboat. He was the only Canadian to finish the 2002-2003 Around Alone race. Now 51-year-old Hatfield will try to repeat the feat in a new 18-metre boat for the 5-Oceans race in 2006.

York in the Media


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