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Doors of the world open for Glendon students

York University’s Glendon College offers an impressive array of international exchange opportunities, on this continent and overseas. This was demonstrated at an all-day information session offered on Oct. 20 by the Office of Student Services, under the direction of Louise Lewin, associate principal of Glendon’s Office of Student Affairs.

Right: Glendon students visit an information session to investigate opportunities for international placements

A series of display booths represented each university that has a formal exchange agreement with Glendon. Factual information, maps of the geographical locations, details of the programs and photos of the country and the university enticed the many visitors to this International Exchange Fair. Represented were the universities of Brussels (Belgium), Rouen (France), la Sorbonne (France), Rennes (France), Paris (France), Pueblo (Mexico) and Barcelona (Spain), as well as Montréal and Laval. The booths were staffed by members of the student affairs team, as well as international students currently on exchange at Glendon. Since Glendon students are also eligible for all the exchanges offered by York University, members of York International’s staff (responsible for organizing exchanges) were on hand, with a great deal of information and enthusiasm, to respond to inquiries.

Clément L’Hour, an economics major on exchange at Glendon from the Institut d’études politiques de Rennes (France), was at his university’s booth to provide first-hand information to Glendon students. L’Hour’s eyes lit up when asked about his Glendon experience so far. “I love the Glendon system. The courses are more practical [than at home], more hands-on, the professors very accessible. I enjoy the campus and the student life. After this year, I hope to come back to Canada for an internship.”

Spending a year on exchange broadens the horizons of students who participate in the program – both academically and personally. The opportunity to become immersed in another culture, possibly a second language, is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for enrichment. When participating in a formalized exchange program, students pay their fees to their home university, at the same rate as everyone else. They also complete a year of studies recognized as equal to their school of origin, therefore do not lose time in finishing their degree.

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