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Representatives from the French press visit Glendon

The Canadian Embassy in France has organized a promotional tour across Canada for five correspondents representing prominent French publications, among them magazines and newspapers of general scope, as well as journals of special interest to students. Accompanied by embassy spokesperson Normand Smith, these journalists were crossing the country between Jan.16 and 22, with stops at universities in Quebec City, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Edmonton and Vancouver to learn more about student life in Canada.

Right: Glendon Professor Alain Baudot, director of GREF, speaks to members of the French press

On Jan. 19, it was Glendon’s turn to receive the delegation representing such well-known publications as L’Express (France’s equivalent to Time magazine), Les Echos (similar to the UK’s Financial Times), Le Figaro Étudiant, Campus Mag and La Croix. The journalists were given a tour, had a look at classrooms, residence rooms and the language labs, dropped in on a French-language student drama rehearsal, visited GREF – Glendon’s French-language publishing house – and had a chat with Distinguished Teaching Fellow (and Glendon alumnus) David Collenette, former federal minister of transport in the Chrétien government.

Right: David Collenette chats with the visitors

The journalists were next welcomed by Louise Lewin, associate principal of Glendon, and a group of international and exchange students and alumni, several of them originally from France. Lewin, responsible for student services and international exchanges, provided the journalists some background information about Glendon. A special Web site, created for the visitors by the Glendon liaison team, demonstrated the relevant topics and offered detailed information about the campus. This Web site will remain active so that once the journalists return to France they can still access all this information with ease. The visitors then had an opportunity to question the students and alumni about their Canadian and Glendon experiences.

The Canadian Embassy organizes a number of similar trips each year, in order to inform the French public about aspects and activities of Canada which are not well-known in that country. The purpose of this particular tour was to provide detailed answers to the questions of greatest interest to readers of these high-profile French publications, with respect to university education in Canada, with the underlying objective of encouraging prospective students in France to consider studying at Canadian universities.

Each hosting university was asked to describe the quality of education it offers, outline its research structure, and list the technology and equipment made available to students, faculty and researchers. Their presentations were also required to detail teaching and research excellence in their institutions, and demonstrate the importance of Canadian universities in North America.

Right: Principal Kenneth McRoberts welcomes the journalists to Glendon

The visit ended with an informal reception, where Glendon Principal Kenneth McRoberts welcomed the members of the French press and invited them to meet and mingle with the professors, students and members of the administration who were gathered to respond to their questions and exchange ideas.

This article was submitted to YFile by Marika Kemeny, Glendon communications officer. 

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