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York VP in India with Ontario business mission

Sheila Embleton, York vice-president academic, was in India last week as part of Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty's business mission to the subcontinent to promote cultural, business and trade, and educational links.

During the mission, she visited New Delhi, Bangalore and Mumbai with the premier and a delegation of government, business and education representatives.

Right: Sheila Embleton

More than 100 representatives of 87 Ontario companies, universities and colleges, and other organizations are participating in the India business mission.

The trip was a chance to ratify student and faculty exchange agreements and forge new links with Indian institutions for York and other Ontario universities represented on the mission. Embleton was scheduled to sign agreements with Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Jawahlarlal Nehru University, the Indian Institute of Technology-Mumbai, St. Xavier's College of the University of Mumbai, and the University of Pune. She also made presentations to groups in New Delhi and Mumbai, and met with York alumni.

"South Asia is an area of strategic importance for York, where we are trying to expand opportunities for exchanges and research collaborations," says Adrian Shubert, associate VP academic.

Last year, 764 students at York, including 149 visa students, reported India as their country of citizenship. Many York researchers and faculty collaborate with colleagues in India, especially in arts and fine arts, and increasingly in science, environmental studies and business.

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