Tickets are still available for York’s 50+50 Symposium: An Interdisciplinary Discussion of Pretty Much Everything.
Come hear the bright minds of Nicholas Negroponte, Margaret Atwood, Lloyd Axworthy, Rosalie Silberman Abella, Arjun Appadurai, Edward O. Wilson, Sheila Watt-Cloutier and Jeffrey Simpson discuss the question: What have we learned in the last 50 years and how will it help us in the next 50?
The symposium will take place Friday, March 27 and Saturday, March 28 in the Price Family Cinema, 102 Accolade East Building, Keele campus.
On Friday, Watt-Cloutier, Canadian Inuit activist, will look at “Environment: The Right to be Cold”; Appadurai, the Goddard Professor of Media, Culture & Communication at New York University, will talk about “Global Society: No Place Like Home”; Negroponte, founder & chairman of the One Laptop per Child non-profit association, will talk about “Technology: Change You Have Counted On”; and Simpson, The Globe and Mail's national affairs columnist, will discuss “Wasted Crises: A Past and Possible Future of Ottawa’s Economic Policies”.
On Saturday, Canadian Supreme Court Justice Silberman Abella will look at “Justice: Balancing the Scale”; Wilson, Pellegrino University Research Professor Emeritus at Harvard University, will speak about “Health: Mind, Body and Planet”; Axworthy, president & vice-chancellor of the University of Winnipeg and member of the Commission on Legal Empowerment of the Poor, will address “International Relations: What’s A Nice Middle Power Like You Doing in a World Like This?”; and Canadian author Atwood will look at “The Writer as Citizen: The Last 50 Years and the Next 50”.
Tickets are available by half-day session or for two full days (which includes all four half-day sessions). For more information on pricing and to purchase tickets, visit the 50+50 Symposium Web site. Tickets are also available online through the York University Box Office Web site or by calling 416-736-5888.
Seth Feldman, director of York's Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies and a professor in the Department of Film, Faculty of Fine Arts, will emcee the symposium. Feldman is widely known for his writing on film and media in Canada as well as the 25 radio documentaries he wrote and presented for the CBC Radio program, "Ideas".