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Glendon hosts a well-attended spring recruitment gala

Despite the chilly, uncertain weather, more than 500 visitors attended Glendon’s 2009 Spring Gala on Sunday, April 5. The climate indoors was warm and welcoming as the recruitment team offered a full day of information and fun.

The Circle of Scholars Breakfast launched the day’s activities, welcoming academically outstanding students and their families. During the breakfast, Glendon Principal Kenneth McRoberts outlined the many new developments underway in the Glendon Faculty. His comments focused on the $20 million committed by the Ontario government for infrastructure upgrading for the campus. “Glendon is clearly thriving," said McRoberts. “It has been designated as a Centre of Excellence for French-Language and Bilingual Postsecondary Education. With the ongoing expansion of the international BA (iBA) program and the new Bachelor of Education for training French and French immersion teachers, this campus is offering an ever-growing number of opportunities for prospective students.”

Right: The Andrew Maynard Quartet, consisting of York students and graduates, set the tone for Glendon’s spring recruitment event

French croissants, brioches and other treats were set out to welcome visitors in historic Glendon Hall. The Andrew Maynard Quartet – consisting of York students and graduates – set the upbeat tone of the day. Three information sessions on a triple rotation ensured that everyone could attend all three in succession. The Preparing for a Fabulous Year session provided important information about the transition from high school to university. The second session, Kick-starting Your Career, outlined the benefits of a Glendon liberal arts degree. The third session, Set Yourself Apart: Languages and International Opportunities at Glendon, with students Cosette Cutrara and Nick Chilton as guest presenters, outlined language-learning opportunities in and outside the classroom. Visitors also learned about the Glendon iBA, exchange programs and summer internships abroad.

Left: Cosette Cutrara (left) with Nick Chilton

Cutrara is a second-year Glendon political science major working towards an iBA. She will be going on abroad next year to Nice, France. “I can’t wait. It’s such an exciting opportunity to learn new things, perfect my French and see a different part of the world,” she said.

Chilton returned this fall from a year abroad in Brussels, Belgium. He is currently completing his fourth year in international studies. “It was an unbelievable enrichment to be in Brussels," he said. "Part of me is still there.”

Participants had an opportunity to join one of the many campus tours ongoing throughout the day. An Information Fair in the dining hall was staffed by  faculty and staff at tables representing every academic department and student service. As part of the Information Fair, students ready to accept an offer from York to study at Glendon could do so, getting their confirmation on the spot. Future students could also book an academic advising appointment for choosing their first-year courses. 

The Club Zone in Glendon’s brand new student centre informed prospective students of the many extracurricular opportunities the campus offers.

New this year was an outdoor barbecue on Glendon’s front lawn run by Chartwells, the University catering service. A percentage of the proceeds was donated to the Friends of Glendon, a non-profit organization providing scholarships and bursaries to Glendon students.

Visitors had many positive things to say about the day’s events. As a product of the French immersion program in Keswick, Ont., Shannon Franklin-Eby, a high-school student attending the gala, said she felt comfortable in the bilingual environment. “I would like to study psychology," she said “and the bilingual opportunity at Glendon is of special interest for me. I have also heard that the [Glendon] Psychology Department offers many interesting courses.” Shannon’s mother added, “We have visited quite a few campus open houses and this one at Glendon is the best organized, most comprehensive and most enjoyable one we have participated in.”

Right: Shannon Franklin-Eby (centre) with her parents

Three close friends from Toronto, Jennifer Meertins, Tiffany Evelyn and Remi Frater, came together to the recruitment gala as invited guests to the Circle of Scholars Breakfast. They are planning to come to Glendon together this fall to pursue different interests, with Jennifer considering a major in psychology, Remi going into business economics and Tiffany as yet undecided about her path. “It’s great that we don’t have to choose a major on entry," said Tiffany, “and can change it as we go along, if some other subject interests us more.”

“What attracted all three of us to Glendon, in addition to the subjects taught here, is the opportunity to improve our French and perhaps become bilingual," added Jennifer.

Left: From left: Remi Frater, Tiffany Evelyn and Jennifer Meertins

The event’s coordinator and student recruitment officer, Suzi Moore, ensured that everything was in place and that all participants were well-versed in their responsibilities. “We hired the largest number of student staff ever for this year’s event”, said Moore, “and it certainly paid off in the smooth flow of all the programs.”

The special 2009 Spring Gala Web site is filled with information, photos, visitors’ comments and a Web survey for participants to add their observations.

To read about the Keele campus Spring Gala, held the day before, see YFile, April 15.

Submitted to YFile by Glendon communications officer Marika Kemeny

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