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A presidential statement on H1N1 influenza (swine flu)

As you may be aware, the World Health Organization has issued a Phase 5 pandemic alert to signify that an international pandemic is likely to be declared. 

That said, at present, no cases of the virus have been reported among our students, faculty or staff. York University is continuing to monitor the spread of the H1N1 influenza (swine flu), both globally and locally. I want to assure community members that York University is well prepared to deal with this particular public health care challenge. 

We have launched a Web page to inform the community about our pandemic preparedness and what individuals can do to limit the spread of the virus should there be an onset of the disease locally. 

York’s Pandemic Web page can be linked to from the homepage of the York University Web site, or by clicking here.

There will also be daily updates relating to the H1N1 flu as they develop on the University Registrar’s Web site.

Other resources to use:

As with any infectious disease, thoroughly washing and drying your hands, and practising coughing etiquette – coughing and sneezing into your sleeve, not into your hands – can help to lessen the spread of germs. Signage has been posted to assist you with proper hygiene. If you have recently returned from Mexico and have symptoms of respiratory illness or are not feeling well, you should stay at home. In this case you are encouraged to contact your health care provider or call TeleHealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000.

York University will provide communication updates on the Web site and through the online student portal as the situation progresses  We will also issue printed bulletins and alerts on each of our campuses as necessary. 

Mamdouh Shoukri
President & Vice-Chancellor
York University 

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