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Glendon honours top students at scholarship awards ceremony

With the academic year still in its early stages, over $1 million has already been disbursed through a wide range of scholarships to high-achieving Glendon students. Recipients were celebrated at the annual scholarship awards ceremony on Oct. 28.

All together, several hundred Ontario scholarships have been awarded, including the President’s and Provost’s Scholarships, as well as continuing student scholarships. Other awards include the nine BMO Financial Group Entrance Scholarships, the Harris Steel Entrance Scholarships, and the Living & Learning in Retirement (LLIR) and Friends of Glendon (FOG) Scholarships.

Right: Jessica Yuan and family

“We have scholarship winners from across Canada, indeed from around the world,” said Glendon Principal Kenneth McRoberts in his welcoming address. “We are very pleased to welcome an International Circle of Scholars winner from Nicaragua, and other international winners from Colombia, Vietnam and the Democratic Republic of Congo, representing the truly international nature of this campus.”

McRoberts honoured these outstanding students and gave them a few words of advice: “University is a step towards independence, intellectually and otherwise as well. University teaches you how to think, rather than what to think.” Wishing the winners good luck, he also encouraged them to have some fun and to participate in all the activities the campus has to offer.

Fourth-year concurrent education student Jamie Broad (left), majoring in international studies, addressed the assembled guests, outlining her Glendon experience and offering a few words of advice. A graduate of École Secondaire Catholique Monseigneur de Charbonnel – a francophone high school in Toronto, Broad has been a recipient of scholarships since the beginning of her university career. She is going on an international exchange to Brussels this winter to widen her horizons and polish her French skills. “The services on campus have been enormously helpful in my success at Glendon,” said Broad. “Services such as the Career Centre and the Advising Centre have helped me plan my studies and my future through useful programs and practical workshops.”

Broad also advised new students to meet their professors, thereby taking advantage of a unique benefit: Glendon’s small campus and classes. “Talking to them can have a direct impact on your success at school, and on your future career.” She also confirmed that taking part in the culture, sports and community activities on campus provides an important balance between studies and daily life.

Second-year business economics student Oleg Nicolaev (right) has only been in Canada for two years. He praised the positive atmosphere at Glendon, the small classes and the helpful interaction with professors. “My future plans are to work in a business environment in the financial field,” said Nicolaev. “This scholarship is an important contribution to my living expenses and enables me to stay in school. It is a strong incentive for working hard at my courses and keeping up my marks.”

Left: Doreen O’Shaughnessy and her husband

Mature student Doreen O’Shaughnessy is studying English with a scholarship for academic excellence. She came to the award ceremony with her husband, who is a proud supporter of her achievement. “I have always wanted to go to university, but did not have the opportunity earlier on,” said O’Shaughnessy. “This is a ten-year project for me, taking two full courses each year with graduation in 2011. I am loving the Glendon experience.” 

Third-year Canadian studies and women’s studies student Kristen Pennington is the recipient of a Betty-Jean and John M. Bankes Governor’s Award of Distinction for academic achievement and community involvement. “It is this scholarship which enables me to pursue my education at Glendon," said Pennington. “I feel privileged to study here and hope to give back someday by becoming a donor myself.”

Right: Kristen Pennington

Jessica Yuan, a fourth-year student in the Environmental & Health Studies Program, came to the awards ceremony accompanied by her parents and brother. Over the years, she has continued to receive a renewable entrance scholarship for a grade point average over 8.0. “Glendon is a wonderful environment for learning,” said Yuan. “I enjoy my program and plan to go on to graduate school. I want to contribute at the federal level in the area of food policy and agricultural price setting.” Her parents expressed their pride at their daughter’s hard work, independence and excellent results.

Left: Chad Craig, Fiona Kay, Glendon director of recruitment, marketing & communications Tobi Strohan and Rosanna Furgiuele

Associate Principal of Student Services Rosanna Furgiuele, who hosted the event organized by Fiona Kay, manager of Glendon’s Student Financial Services, thanked the winners and their families for joining in the celebration.

She welcomed Kam Naisbitt, manager of Scholarships & Bursaries at the Keele campus, who was in attendance, as well as representatives of various donating organizations. Those present included Pat Brody and Alan Morrison of LLIR, which has supported Glendon students for over 35 years; Aaron Rodrigues, assistant director of the Glendon Athletic Club in the Proctor Field House, whose staff have been raising funds for bursaries for 20 years through an annual golf tournament; Glendon alumnus Chad Craig (BA Hons. ’06), current president of FOG; and members of the Glendon Scholarship & Award Selection Committee.

Left: Alan Morrison, Fiona Kay and Pat Brody

With the formal part of the ceremony concluded, Furgiuele invited all those present to enjoy each other’s company and celebrate their achievements with cake, punch and positive hopes for the future.

Submitted by Glendon communications officer Marika Kemeny

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