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York's 2009 United Way Campaign reaches the $50,000 mark

To date, the York community has contributed through pledges and special events just over $50,000 to the University's 2009 United Way Campaign.

This year, more than ever, the United Way needs the support of its postsecondary community partners because the recession has hit private industry. “I am so grateful to the community for its support so far. We have raised just over $50,000 towards our 2009 campaign goal of $200,000," says Yvette Munro, York's United Way Employee Campaign chair. 

Munro and York Leadership Campaign Co-chairs Joanne Duklas, University registrar, and Schulich School of Business Professor Pat Bradshaw, are working hard to attract new donors and encourage previous donors to give a bit more. “I encourage everyone to get their pledges and donations in to the campaign office,” says Munro. “With the fall term and the campaign coming to a close, it is more important than ever to get your donation in and help fill the York United Way Campaign thermometer with red.”

Funds raised through York's campaign effort are critical to the Toronto campaign's success. "More than ever before, the need is greater. The economic downturn that has really hit the financial sector and Canadian manufacturers hard and  over the past year it is having a significant impact on communities and Toronto's most vulnerable people," says Munro. "The United Way is turning to its public and education sector partners to pitch in and help raise the needed funds to support the important work of over 200 health and social service agencies throughout the city."

Munro is asking everyone who received an online pledge form that was delivered by e-mail just over two weeks ago, to send their donation into the campaign office. For those individuals who are more comfortable with a paper pledge, Munro says that option is still available. To receive a paper pledge form, contact her at the University Events & Community Relations (UECR) Office at S324 Ross Building, or by phone at ext. 77529.  

This year’s theme is United We Can – United at York. Munro says that donations will go towards supporting the urgently needed community work performed by the United Way including helping those who are homeless, youth and families in distress.

Munro says the campaign team is still seeking volunteers, particularly workplace canvassers, to remind their colleagues to make online donations or to distribute information. "If you are interested in volunteering as a canvasser, please contact me at. ext. 77529 or by e-mail to

For more information, visit York University's United Way Web page on the UECR Web site. Visit the United Way of Greater Toronto Web site to learn more about the campaign and the people who benefit from the organization.

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