Religious studies Professor Xu Xin of Nanjing University in China will present his talk “Israel Through Chinese Eyes” later this month.
The talk, presented by the Israel and Golda Koschitzky Centre for Jewish Studies at York, will take place Sunday, Nov. 21 at 3:30pm in W136 Executive Learning Centre, Seymour Schulich Building, Keele campus. The lecture is free of charge.
Right: Xu Xin
Xin, director of the Glazer Institute for Jewish Studies at Nanjing University, is the recipient of an honorary doctorate from Bar-Ilan University in Israel and the only professor of Jewish studies in China.
The Centre for Jewish Studies at York University is Canada's first interdisciplinary research centre in Jewish studies, bringing together a vibrant community of scholars and teachers to promote cutting-edge research in the field. Jewish studies encompasses the study of the texts, histories and cultures of the Jewish people, which developed alongside and within Western and non-Western civilizations.
The event is being co-sponsored by the York Centre for Asian Research and the Department of Humanities.
For more information, visit the Israel and Golda Koschitzky Centre for Jewish Studies website or call 416-736-5823.