Mark your calendar and reserve Monday, June 6, for the York University Faculty and Staff Golf Tournament. This year’s event will take place at Highlands Golf Club in Bradford, Ont. The scramble format tournament is open to everyone – serious and novice golfers, with an emphasis on team play and having fun.
Left: Highlands Golf Club
The tournament begins with a barbecue lunch at 12pm and the shotgun start at 1pm will kick off 18 holes of golf. All players will start and finish together, no waiting. Everyone receives a prize awarded by random draw, so you don’t need to be Phil Mickelson to win! Prizes will also be awarded for the longest drive, closest to the pin and lowest team score.
This is not a fundraising event. The fee is $95 and covers the actual cost of the 18 holes of golf, the cart, the BBQ lunch, a dinner at 6pm and a portion of the prizes.
Space is limited. There are only 144 spots available, so start making your plans now! The Registration form and payment must be received by May 20. There will be no refunds after this date. Cheques can be dropped off or sent via internal mail to John Wilson, Mailing Services, Room 019 Curtis Lecture Hall. Make all cheques payable to York University. Guests are welcome (one guest per York staff or faculty participant).
Don’t be disappointed; register your foursome as soon as possible. If you are not part of a foursome, the organizers can arrange one for you. To register, or for more information, contact a member of the organizing committee:
- Debra Agnew can be reached at ext. 77557 or
- Sarah Broderick can be reached at ext. 77222 or
- Sheila Forshaw can be reached at ext. 22845 or
- Ron Ogata can be reached at ext. 58222 or
- D’Arcy Perry can be reached at ext. 20295 or
- Andy Starostecki can be reached at ext. 22401 or
- John Wilson can be reached at ext. 77598 or