Frances Flint, a specialist in the psychology of injury in York's Faculty of Health, told Jan. 18 that helping the NHL hockey star recover from concussion will take time. And if, and when, Crosby returns, he will face more than just a physical challenge. “There’s a huge mental aspect to it,” she said. Read the story
Could a right wing coalition save the BC Liberals?
Dennis Pilon, a political scientist in York's Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, told Vancouver’s News1130 radio Jan. 18 that there's a long history of the provincial right getting together. Read the story
A political point of view
The Innisfil, Ont. council has established a partnership with York University nursing students in the Faculty of Health to conduct a needs assessment and community profile of Innisfil, wrote Mayor Barb Baguley in the Innisfil Scope Jan. 18. Read the story
Schulich School of Business students graduate to the IBM SmartCloud
IBM will help students at York University's Schulich School of Business develop leadership skills by learning to collaborate on course work virtually in the cloud, wrote the computer company in a widely circulated media release published in The Globe and Mail’s Jan. 17. The release quotes Schulich Professor Jean Adams. Read the story