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Two York departments honour their top undergraduates

York’s Department of Social Science and the Department of Communication Studies have honoured the outstanding achievements of undergraduate students at an annual awards ceremony.

The event took place in the private dining room at the Schulich Executive Centre, where Barbara Crow, associate dean of research at the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, welcomed students,  Barbara Crow families and faculty members as they gathered to celebrate the achievements of some of  York University’s top undergraduates.

Right: Barbara Crow

Overall, the departments distributed various awards in several interdisciplinary programs. Here is an overview of the presentations:

  • Professor Megan Davies presented the first award of the afternoon, the Founders Book Prize, to Marcela Slinin.
  • The Gina Feldberg Prize, awarded in memory of the distinguished teaching record of Professor Gina Feldberg, was presented to the health and society major Alexandra MacAskill by Professor Rob Vipond.
  • Professor Emeritus Carl Baar presented the Ellen Baar award, established in honour of his late wife Professor Ellen Baar, to two recipients: Theresa McGee and Hiam Kogiashvili-Amar.

 Professor Emeritus Carl Baar announcing the recipients of the Ellen Baar AwardRight: Professor Emeritus Carl Baar announcing the recipients of the Ellen Baar Award

  • Kimberley White, the chair of the Department of Social Science, presented the Gordon Lowther Award to Jermain Virgo in recognition of his scoring the highest grade point average (GPA) among all first-year students in the department.
  • Christina Ransom was awarded the Lillian Lerman Book Prize by Professor Peggy Keall.
  • Mary-Louise Craven, the undergraduate program director in the Department of Communication Studies, presented the Otto Friedman Award to Saba Haie.
  • From the Department of Communication Studies, the Eric Koch Award, presented by Professor Emeritus Eric Koch himself, went to Carlos Desiderio Ulloa Abarzua.

Right: Professor David Skinner (centre) presenting the Penny Joliffe Award to Nicole Goulding (left) and Kerrie-Ann BernardProfessor David Skinner (centre) presenting the Penny Joliffe Award to Nicole Goulding (left) and Kerrie-Ann Bernard

  • David Skinner, the chair of the Department of Communications, presented the Penny Joliffe Award to Nicole Goulding and Kerrie-Ann Bernard.
  • Lindsay Moore was awarded the Reva Orlicky Award, presented by Professor Anne MacLennan.
  • The recipient of the Dalton Kehoe Award was Jennifer Ramcharan.
  • Professor Reccia Mandelcorn presented the Jerry Durlak Award, in memory of Professor Durlak’s unforgettable work in the Department of Communication Studies, to David Synard.
  • On behalf of the African Studies Program, Professor Uwafiokun Idemudia awarded the Esiri Dafiewhare Annual Scholarship to Chelsea Allen, and the Stevenson Scholarship in African Studies to Janice Anderson and Valerie Kitchen.

Lindsay Moore with Professor Ann MacLennanRight: Lindsay Moore with Professor Ann MacLennan

  • The Business & Society Program awarded the Alterna Social Economy Scholarship to Samantha Lal, presented by Professor Lynne Campbell.
  • The Business & Society Honours Award was given to Maie Elamry, presented by Professor Mark Peacock.
  • Professor James Williams presented two awards on behalf of the Criminology Program: the Criminology Honours Scholarship was given to both Julian Di Bartolomeo and Ashley Hayward, and the Criminology 1650 Book Prize to Kristen Hayward.
  • The International Development Studies Honours Award, presented by Vivana Patroni, went to Alastair Woods.
  • Professor Clive Forrester presented the Latin American & Caribbean Studies Honours Award to Nicole Sheremeta.

Vivana Patroni with Alastair Woods

Right: Vivana Patroni with Alastair Woods

  • Awards presented by Professor Miriam Smith, included the Law & Society Award presented to Theresa McGee, the Jane Banfield Award to Shelby Fenster and the Law & Society Honours Prize to Josie Vaccaro.
  • Professor Stephanie Ross presented two awards from the Work & Labour Studies Program; the Neil Reimer Award went to David Marincola and the Labour Studies Student Achievement Award, to Daiana Dumitru.
  • Professor Jay Goulding awarded Julien Morneau with the Social & Political Thought Award.
  • The final awards were presented by Professor Lisa Drummond to students in the Urban Studies Program. The Marion Miller Urban Studies Award (third year) was awarded to Josee Guimond, Professor Clive Forrester presents the Latin American & Caribbean Studies Honours Award to Nicole Sheremetaand the Marion Miller Urban Studies Award (fourth year) was given to Marcin Sliwa. Kevin Hurley was honoured with two awards, the Frances Frisken Prize and the Social Science 3700 Urban Studies Prize.
  • Left: Professor Clive Forrester presents the Latin American & Caribbean Studies Honours Award to Nicole Sheremeta

A catered reception followed the ceremony, allowing students, family, friends and the former and current faculty, to share in recognition of York’s students in the Social Science and Communication Studies departments.

For a complete description of each of the awards, visit the Department of Social Science and Department of Communication Studies awards pages.