- Identification of roles and responsibilities
- Review of applicable legislation
- Discussion of unit-specific emergency preparedness sub plans
- Review of best practices for building evacuations
The Emergency Response Warden Program is a vital part of the safety of both York campuses. The program is always looking for volunteers. If you would like to volunteer or register for training, please contact your unit’s emergency preparedness coordinator or your direct supervisor or manager.
If you are currently an emergency response warden, building emergency captain or emergency preparedness coordinator and it has been over one year since your last training session, it is important that you register for an upcoming session as part of the ongoing refresher training that is essential to keep the program running smoothly.
The 2012 training dates are as follows:
- Feb. 29
- March 28
- April 25
- May 30
- June 27
- Sept. 26
- Oct. 31
- Nov. 28
- Dec.12
Further information about the Emergency Response Warden Program, as well as training request forms, are available by sending an e-mail to epp@yorku.ca.
For more information on this initiative or any other of York University's emergency preparedness initiatives, visit the Emergency Preparedness Program website, or contact the Office of Emergency Preparedness at 416-736-5258 or 416-736-5634.