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Prescription for disaster

In an article looking at the abuse of prescription drugs, Professor Joel Lexchin of York’s School of Health Policy & Management, said “there are a lot more people with mild depression than serious depression. So drug companies market to people with mild depression because there’s a lot more money to be made,” reported the Winnipeg Free Press, May 12. Read full story.

A 200-year-old war gets personal
Natasha Henry an education specialist at York University’s Harriet Tubman Institute, talked about the history of black Canadians during the War of 1812 in the St. Catharines Standard, May 14. Read full story.

Majority of moms in TV ads are ‘intensive,’ family focused, analysis finds
In an article about the portrayal of women in TV ads, Alan Middleton, a professor of marketing at York’s Schulich School of Business, said “What advertisers have learned to do finally, after being very slow on this for many years, is recognize that women have different faces to different roles,” reported the National Post, May13. Read full story.

Heavy things go pop at culture conference
Thierry Coté, a grad student at York University, talked about the music of the Arab Spring and the music of Occupy Wall Street at the Popular Culture Association of Canada’s annual conference, reported, May 11. Read full story.

Songbird ‘superhighway’ runs through Toronto as 50 million will fly over in spring migration
Bridget Stutchbury, a York University biology professor, spoke about International Migratory Bird Day being a peak time for the migration of some 10 million birds, most of them song birds, across Lake Ontario, reported the Toronto Star, May 11. Read full story.

WSIB may not be able to meet its obligations due to $14.2B unfunded liability
There’s a risk Ontario’s Workplace Safety and Insurance Board won’t be able to meet its obligations to 200,000 injured workers at some point in the next 20 years, indicated a report authored by Harry Arthurs, former president of York University, reported The Canadian Press, May 11. Read full story.

Is Canada’s brand strong enough to attract the immigrants it wants?
Professor Roopa Desai Trilokekar, a specialist in international education at York, said it’s widely known that immigrants are doing less well in Canada of late, reported The Globe & Mail, May 11. Read full story.

Moms struggle with pressure to be perfect
Sharon Murphy, a professor with the Faculty of Education at York University, said kids tend to gravitate toward simpler things anyway and the majority of moms are already doing all they need, reported the Edmonton Sun, May 12. Read full story.

Beware ‘Leveraged’ ETFs
Even after accounting for the compounding issues and costs, during periods of high volatility some leveraged ETFs still fail to perform as expected, said Pauline Shum, director of the Master of Finance program at York’s Schulich School of Business, reported The Wall Street Journal, May 11. Read full story.

When a son sent out a digital prayer, a stranger answered to rescue his mom
A 22-year-old York University accounting student, Michael Andrade, talked about his search to find an organ donor for his mother, diagnosed with a rare, incurable liver disease, including his use of the social media site Tumblr, reported The Globe and Mail, May 11. Read full story.

Toronto’s Pan Am Games venues
To keep the 2015 Pan Am Games easy to get to for athletes, convenient for ticket holders and affordable for the city, the organizing committee has decided to cluster similar sports at a handful of complexes across the GTA, including York University, reported The Globe & Mail, May 11. Read full story.

York in the Media
